Story 3 part 3 (last part)

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Hey :) this chapter is a little complicated because I've never been married (duh) so idk how to describe how it goes I'm gonna do my best just enjoy the cutes moment between the pogue and our two fav jiara !
Sarah pov:
Today is my best friend's wedding,JJ and Kiara's wedding.Honestly never knew that this day would happen but I'm really happy for them.Kiara always had problem with people.What I mean is,she didn't have friends when we were in school together.She had difficulty enjoying her time with my friends or the kooks.but when she met JJ and his friends....everything was different.They liked the same thing,surfing,smoking and even saving turtles! Since this day,kie's happiness has returned to life.And somehow,my happiness two of seeing my best friend living again.

We are both on the beach with decoration all over the place of turtle,shells and white tissues.There's a bow where JJ and kiara are gonna get married.Everything is perfect and beautiful.We can still ear the waves crashing on the shore,just like kie imagined.
Flash back
General pov:
It was a normal night with the two kooks Sarah Cameron And Kiara carrera.They met in the beginning of the school years and they were already really close.Sarah had invited kie to sleep over in the druthers of her dad and they had stole beers from her dad fridge.They were talking about boys and school about 20 minutes now and then Sarah asks a question.
"Hey kie,what would be your perfect wedding" she ask a little bit drunk after 1 beer since they are still young to drink alcohol.
"I don't want to get married I'm independent Sarah" she said directly
"No but if you find the right person,what would it look like" she ask
"Ummm...I think I would like it to be outside,inside is boring and even more in a church."they both laugh
She continue:
"I would like first to marry someone I know since a long time now,we would be on the beach of figure height.All of my friends would be here (if I have one in the future exept you) she add.And um I would really like it if there's turtle and shells."
"'s like a dream."Sarah said
She continue:
"Do you think it's gonna happen one day?"
"I hope so ...we can dream right ?"
They both laugh and enjoying their night talking about other stuff of our simple teenage life.
Flash back end
Sarah smile after she just got back in one of her best memories.It's everything kie has wishes for.It's the perfect wedding,all the pogues are here,the parents of kie are here two with wheezie and JJ's cousin.
The music start and a beautiful music start to play,it's the favorite song of kie cinnamon girl of Lana del rey but just the melody. I start to cry after hearing the song we listened years ago.John b take my hand and smile to me. The beautiful bride begging to walk in the middle of us.she have a simple white dress with her curly hair lined of flowers.A smile is on my best friend face and I turn a little to see JJ's smile admiring the beautiful girl. They look so happy and in love,I'm so happy for them.
General pov :
When kiara arrive in front of JJ she smile even more seing him in a costume.She make a little laugh with tears in the corner of her eyes,she don't want to cry to ruin her makeup that Sarah has made for her earlier. JJ takes kie's hands admiring her dress,her hair and her beautiful face. And the priest start to marry them still looking at each other eyes. All the pogue start to cry,happy for their friends.And everyone smile seeing how happy they look.
"You can kiss the bride" the priest finally says.
JJ come closer to her,put his hand her cheeks and put a warm kiss on her lips.They separate and then looks at the crowd who's now applause the married couple.Kie and JJ looks at each others a few second and then they take each others hand and run as fast as they could in the middle of all the guest.
They laugh and smile and then they finally run to the beach.They sit on the beach breathing heavily and their heart full of love.they kiss passionately,JJ's hand in Kiara's brown curls and they finally put their forehead on each other's . Kie take a deep breathe
"I'm so happy jaij I love you"
"I love you too baby"
JJ take kie in a big hug wrapping his arms around the big white dress who's now full of sand.He put a kiss on her head and they look at the beach still in each others arms listening to the crowd behind since they abandoned them.

The after party,later tonight...
It's a little later after the wedding and it's the after party.They decided to make the after party at the wreck since it's there they met for the first time. Kie walk to the guest hearing music playing and all the people she love talking to each others and laughing. She beggin to walk to the bar but someone take her by the wrist behind a wall,in the corner of the restaurant.she's relief when she see that it's JJ.
"Wanna smoke ?" He wink to her and she laugh
"JJ you know I can't"
"Okay then" he take to join and they both laugh.
After a few minutes of hanging out and talking about everything,they hear steps coming to them.It's kie's parents.
"Oh hey mom,hey dad" she say before looking at JJ who try to make the smoke disappear.
"Hey sweetie I just wanted to congrats you guys,the wedding was beautiful" Anna says before hugging her daughter and smile to JJ.Not a fake kook smile,a real smile.JJ take a beer in the fridge close to them and look at kie's dad who stay silent but with a smile. He's surprised to see that Mike finally accept him.
"Thank you mom"Kiara say before taking JJ's hand gently
"So.."Mike says
"Are you pregnant?" Mike continue
JJ almost choked with his drink when he heard mikes words. Kie laugh.
"Uh no dad I'm not,we are both so busy travelling and our job" she says with a smile before she looks at her husband
He smile at her and they try to not laugh to Kiara's parent face.
"Well are you guys thinking about having a family?" Anna add
They stay silent a little bit and then both look at her parents.They knew that if they don't answer how they want them to answer they'd never gonna let them go.
"Yeah yeah we're thinking about it" they both add still try to not laugh
"Perfect then ! I'm so excited to be a grandmother!"Anna says leaving with her husband.
After they leaved the pogue are all coming to them with a smile on their face.
"Look who it is !" John b say running to JJ before the other follow him.
We all make a group hug and then John b and Sarah look at the group seriously.
"We have an announcement" he say holding Sarah's hip.
"We all laugh at each other and then we make a sign who means : "go ahead"
"I'm pregnant" Sarah says almost crying of happiness and jumping.
"Oh my god Sar!" Kiara hug her before the other join them.
"Congrat to both of you!" Pope says before he kiss Cleo's cheek.
"Actually we have an announcement too ..." Kiara says looking at JJ who's now smiling
"Shut up!shut up ! Omg" Sarah says shook
"Yep I'm pregnant" kie says smiling
"It was difficult to hide it in front of my parents we didn't want them to know today I wanted to announced them with the rest of my family" she continue
"But we can't hide anything from you guys !" JJ says before he put his arm around kie.
"Congrats to you two omg kie you realise we're gonna be pregnant at the same time!" Sarah add
"Help it's not gonna be easy" john b add before they all laugh
The pogues were all happy and they were about to welcome two new baby pogues in the family.Everything couldn't be more perfect.


Okay a very looong chapter but I loved it ! Many other one shot are coming so stay tuned ! It was the last part from this story hope you enjoyed and I see you soon with the next story !
Lily XX

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