15-Hey mom

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Surprise ! New chapter and this one is very different.Just a reminder that these are one shot there's no relation between the chapters,everything restart at 0 at every chapter.This is probably one of my favorite chapter I had this idea reading my favorite book and I felt very inspired.this one shot is after season 3 after the 18 months. Luke is dead and Kiara go to JJ's house to find him. ENJOY ⭐️

When I get back from our house on figure eight I take my car and drive to Luke's house.Since the death of JJ's father,he's been really absent and today he didn't come back at home since 3 days.I play gateway car of Taylor swift and open the 4 window to let the wind floating in the air and caressingly brushing my curly hair.The smell of salty water float in the wind and my heart is Free.Free of being happy after these rough months.When I arrive,I can see flowers on the porch and the window all clean.What the heck is happening here?normally,there's empty beer everywhere and dirty blankets on the couch.Now,it looks like a beautiful home,all new,all clean.
"What the fuck" I whisper before I put my foot on the stairs.I admire all the plants and the couch bordering of colourful pillows.I approach my hand to the old door and knock. After a while,no one is responding so I open the door and I can smell cookies floating in the air.This is totally not the house it was before.Is JJ made all of this ?
"Hello?JJ are you here?" I scream a little bit
I can hear classic music in the bathroom a little far away where I am now.JJ doesn't listen to classic music.He's more like rock music and loud.
I walk to the bathroom where the music came from and I can hear a feminine voice singing.
"Who is this" I whisper
This is when the woman reveal herself.Blonde,with blue eyes probably in the 45 years old.
"Who are you?"i ask still in shock
"Oh hey sweetie you must be kiara,I'm Laura"
"And who exactly are you?" I ask still confused
Laura looks exactly like JJ.Her eyes are the same and she look really sweet.
"I'm JJ's mom" she stop cleaning the bathroom and walk to me.She's shorter than me and smell like flowers.
"Oh my god I'm sorry I thought you were a stranger"
She take me in her arms
"It's all good don't worry I heard what happened here so I can understand"
I hug her back and automatically feel safe in her arms like I've known her forever.
"JJ never talked about you so I assumed-"
"That I was dead ?yeah I was gone for a long time,but now I had no choice to come back because of the death of his father" she just said
Why was she gone ? Since when ?Why JJ never talked about her?so much questions.
"I'm sorry"
"Don't be darling,he was an asshole" she wink before she ask me for a drink.
"Oh um no thank you I was just searching for JJ" i simply said
"Well he's not there I searched for him everywhere" she said searching for something in a box.
"And where we're you it's weird that Ive never seen you"
"I was in Yukatan I left when JJ was 14 when his father was hitting me"
I feel bad for both at them at this moment,so JJ was left by his mother and had to live with his violent father for years?
"Can we sit? I have many questions if it's okay" I ask
"Of course we can sit maybe you can tell me about my son?"
"Yeah um I have questions first"
"Of course yeah sweetie comme here"
We sat on the couch and she take my hand.I was surprise at first but there's something about Laura that was reassuring. I take a deep breath and look into these familiar eyes.
"Can you tell me how it was ?"
"Um yeah...I was 17 when I had JJ.Me and Luke was planing to leave to yucatan together and raise our kid.Everything was fine even if I had been kicked out of my house."
I look down after these words.It was probably difficult to live.
She continue,
"We decided to stay in the outer banks and build a house in a hidden side of the island which is the cut now.Luke was doing jobs and I stayed home decorating our house.Months later,I gave birth to JJ.A beautiful healthy baby and me and my husband were really happy"
I smile
"We raised JJ learning him to everything...when JJ was 4 years old,Luke begin to drink a lot and smoke and leave in the middle of the night."
My smile faded and I look at JJ's mom sobbing
"I was telling myself that it wasn't a big deal but the years passed and he started to get violent with me"
"He did that for years before it was too much for me,I left letting my son behind.It was the biggest mistake ive ever made..." she said crying.
She finished ,
"I never seen JJ ever again and now,I came back to put everything in the right place,for Luke's funeral and to reconnect with my precious boy"
"Yeah" I simply said
"Tell me how he is" she wipe her tears and look at me with hope.
"JJ is...he have a heart of gold and he could do anything for his friends.He's always there to help and he's really really sweet" I make a little smile thinking about him.Even if I didn't seen him in days I miss him so much.
"I'm a horrible mother" she cried again
"I left him because I wanted my security and Luke loved JJ so much he could never hurt him"
I put my head down after the innocence of Laura.
"Luke didn't hurt JJ did he ?"
I look down and try not to cry.She put her hand on her mouth and break down on the ground.I am a little mad at Laura,she left her own son to an horrible person and didn't talk to him for years.But a part of me understand her,she wanted to be free,wanted to make her own mind and be happy.So why didn't she take her son with her ?What kind of monster do that?
After a while,she stop crying and look at me again.
"Thank you for taking care of my son"
"No problem,me and the pogues where all here for him"
"The pogues...." She simply said with a little smile.
"Yeah what about it?" I ask,curious
"We were all together,Luke,me,Big John,Anna,Mike and Heyward"
Wait,my parents were pogues ? I knew that my dad was but my mom ? They lied to me this whole time?
"Wait my mom was a pogue?"
"Yeah we were best friend,Anna was half kook half pogue"
Oh my god.So we're like the second generation of the pogues ?How did we didn't know that ?Our parents were all friends and they never told us.
She continue
"It was like a family,we were at the chateau and hated school,we loved to surf all day,our parents were always mad" she laugh wiping her tears.
"Is it still that way ?" She ask
"Yes...we're 6"
"Oh my god I'm so happy what's their names maybe I know them?"
"John b roudtlege,Pope heyward,JJ,Me,Sarah cameron and Cleo a girl we found in the Bahamas"
"Oh so there's Heyward son and you're Anna's daughter?"
"Yes" I smile
"So you guys still live in the chateau?" She ask with hope
"Actually no...the chateau brunt and now we live on figure height"
"Figure height?!" She ask with surprise.
"Yeah it's a long story..."
"I have all my day" she said
3 hours later...
It start to get dark and now everything make sense.Me and Laura spent the afternoon talking about her past and JJ. I was about to leave when the door open quickly.That's when I saw JJ.
"Oh my god JJ I searched for you for days where we're you" I said hugging him
"I needed time to think" he simply said kissing me quickly.
That's when he saw his mom.
"Hey baby"
He run to her and wrap his arms around her like she was about to leave.he cry for about 5 minutes in her arms and I do too.
"I missed you so much my baby boy" her mom said wiping his tear admiring every feature of her son's face.
"I missed you too" he said smelling her t shirt.
He push her a little bit and look at her up and down
"Where we're you...I thought you were" his voice break and I take his hand.
"I was in Yukatan,it was for my own safety please forgive me"
"Doesn't matter mom you're here that's all that matter."
Laura see our hand together and smile at JJ.
"So you must be JJ's girlfriend then miss carrera" she wink
"Yeah"JJ said smiling at me
"Since when ?" She ask
"Umm two years I think ?"i said wrapping my arm around his waist.
"Awww well I'm happy for you guys and Kiara,thank you again for taking care of my son while I wasn't there"
"Of course"

Okay I'm gonna stop there:) very special chapter it's not really a jiara chapter but I wanted to do a chapter in JJ's past a little bit and the pogues and I didn't have inspiration anymore to continue so yeahhh 🤣. I hope you liked it because I think it's my favorite chapter.also sorry for not posting :( I have exams coming and I just got out of a depressed episode so yeah I will do my best !!
Lily XX

Jiara one shot Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ