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Watching Hotch break open the door to the apartment was a sight to see, however, Ivie wasn't paying complete attention to him, she was more focused on the job at hand

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Watching Hotch break open the door to the apartment was a sight to see, however, Ivie wasn't paying complete attention to him, she was more focused on the job at hand. Reid and Morgan were still back at the station to be able to cross-reference information and to act as backups with local law enforcement if required. After Hotch, JJ was supposed to follow him into the main room, Rossi and Ivie were then entering through the side door after checking no backup was needed by the pair immediately. It was dark in the apartment, the side door happened to open into a kitchen with a large anatomically drawn skeleton on the wall. It freaked out the youngest member a little but then she remembered that this guy was an anatomy professor.



Lowering her gun after hearing the all clears from JJ and Hotch in the other rooms, Ivie walked into the living room, a table was filled with books of anatomical diagrams and descriptions yet a drawing stood out to her. It seemed to depict a torso, legs missing, with the arms looking as if they had been removed at each shoulder; it stood out by its suggested violence, and most other diagrams had a sort of clinical feel about them.

"He definitely revisited"

Rossi stated from across the room, like Ivie he had found some out-of-place drawings. This time they were drawings of the site in extreme detail, hence Rossi's comment. Collecting the drawings and rummaging through other piles more drawings were discovered. The four of them had gathered in the centre of the living room around a round table, each holding one trying to gather any information that could expose the location of the unsub

"Landlord said he paid in cash for the first time last month, left it in an envelope and hasn't seen him in a while" Hotch said after speaking to an officer.

The three looked up at him, each being snapped out of their forming thoughts of the situation

"He needs privacy to pull off what he does, sharing walls with neighbours isn't going to give him that" JJ said

"Paying in cash isn't a good sign for us, if he's paying for cash here he probably is at the place he's harvesting limbs" Ivie replied

"Yeah, but where is it? We know who he is, but we have no idea where he's hiding"

Looking amongst each other to see if anyone had an answer to Rossi's rhetorical question. They all knew something was a little off, but none of them could put their fingers on it.

"Garcia has nothing strange on this guy" JJ stated

"Well we know he's methodical and obsessive, he's kept more trophies"

As Hotch said, the three looked down at the various drawings and sketches. Stepping back towards the stacks of books and papers, Ivie decided that maybe calling back to the station could provide some deeper context to what she was seeing and help determine the unsubs location

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