S2 Chapter 8: Selfish

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Selfishness is not something that I'm awfully keen to. It's just another way to feel a negative emotion, purely because of the fact that you don't have something.

The easiest example of this is with money. Someone wishes they'd get more money because they put in so much work into their job that they deserve a raise instead of everyone else.

However, once they open their eyes, they'll realize that the reason they aren't getting any more money is because of the fact that they're job might not be paying well enough. A solution could be to use the experience they got from their previous job to try and get a better one.

In my case, it seems to be that other people's selfishness falls upon my shoulders.

Sagami-san wanted to be popular as president of the student council, Tobe wanted to have a relationship with Ebina, Iroha wants to get out of the running for president, etc.

However, so far, almost all of the situations in which I 'resolved' the person's problem, it ended in the opposite of what they asked for.

Sagami-san made a mess of herself as the president, Tobe never got with Ebina, and now Iroha is next...

Maybe I'm better off doing the opposite of the person's request, despite the fact that those situations have resulted in a loss of trust in me from somebody. In Sagami-san's case, I practically lost trust with everyone who heard the situation happen, In Tobe's case, he himself lost trust in me, alongside Hayama and Yukino. Who knows who it'll be when Iroha's request gets resolved?

That's what I wondered to myself as I walked into the school early in the morning. There was hardly any students here, but even if there were more I wouldn't have noticed. I was too lost in my thoughts to be concerned about other people.

At least, I WAS lost in my thoughts.

Yui: "N/N! H-Hey!"

What seems to be common practice is the fact that Yuigahama always seems to be interrupting something, which can either be a great thing, or a bad thing.

Y/N: "Hello."

She stood in front of me, holding onto the straps of her bag tightly as she stared at me with a half-smile. It seemed like she wanted something more from me, but I couldn't be bothered with it, so I continued my walk on to my classroom.

She stuttered for a few moments, attempting to catch up to me as I walked down the hallways.

Yui: "Y-You coming to the club today?"

Y/N: "No."

Yui: "Y-Yeah, I guess not..." Usually a forced smile would accompany her words, however she didn't seem to be feeling anything besides a look of worry.

Yukino already said that we didn't have to come to the club if we really didn't want to, so I wasn't going to pass on the offer. We weren't on the greatest of terms, and we still aren't. Actually, looking far back in time is the only way to remember a moment where I was happy with Yukino.

Yui: "Hey, uh... We decided to talk with Iroha-chan a little bit more. We were gonna discuss a plan, and it um... It didn't feel right to not let you know, so..."

Iroha, huh...

Admittedly, I was curious to see what plan they could've come up with. On top of that, I haven't really been able to talk to Iroha besides when we were last at the cafe. And even then, it's not like everything had ended well. She insulted me, after all.

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