S2 Chapter 6: Opposite Ways

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Ebina: "Y/N... I wanted to thank you for what you did."

Y/N: "..."

If I was being honest, I didn't want to listen to her voice right now. I didn't want to listen to anyone's voice. I was having enough trouble listening to my own.

Even now, as I stood on the school's rooftop to talk with Ebina, I spoke minimally so I wouldn't hear myself.

Added with that, I've been thinking a LOT since the Tobe "incident", and I seemed to be in a constant state of asking questions without receiving answers.

However one question that I asked myself stood out more than the rest.

Is it my fault?

I was sure that it was, clearly because I was the one that put myself in this situation. But I began to think on things and how they could've gone differently.

Is it my fault that Tobe fell in love with Ebina? Is it my fault that he came to my club for help? Is it my fault for resolving the situation the way I did, even though it was for the greater good of everyone?

To the latter question, it only felt like this situation ended positively for Ebina, as she was the only one that thanked me.

Of course, watching Tobe and Ebina talk with the rest of the group, it clearly isn't awkward for them. They spoke normally to each other as far as I could tell. So clearly I succeeded in the majority's rule.

But why didn't it feel like it?

Ebina: "Tobe's an idiot and a loser... but he's a nice guy, I think."

Y/N: "...I didn't resolve your problem."

She wanted the guys to come closer together, if I remember correctly. However, as far as I could see, Hayama began to act antagonistically toward Tobe in an attempt to get him to stop his confession. Certainly the polar opposite of "coming closer together".

Ebina: "I suppose. But you understood what had to be done, right?"

She wanted to push the boys further away from herself so she could watch from a distance and stay as friends.

That's why she didn't want Tobe to confess to her. She knew that it'd be awkward if they were around each other with the rest of the group. There'd be a crushing tension in the air, in other words.

As I stood on the roof of the school, I enjoyed the nice breeze that had left as quickly as it arrived. It kind of reminded me of the time when I was up here with Sagami-san.

Maybe this roof is a curse...

"Who knows, maybe I could get with you, Y/N-kun." She had her hands behind her back as she looked at me.


I'm very tired. I have a lot of things on my mind. I don't want to deal with anyone anymore.

As a result, meeting the desires and needs of a girlfriend are the last thing on my mind.

"Yeah, you're right... I kind of like how you can be so brutally honest with people you don't care about."


"I suppose that's all I came here to say. Thanks again, Y/N-kun."

She walked back down the staircase silently, and I was left alone on the roof.

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