Chapter 5: Say please

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(A/N): i havent touched this story in about 4 days so lets get back to it


How? How are we in this situation AGAIN? Me and Hachiman were sitting in front of Hiratsuka-sensei. This time it was for our desired career and workplace. As you could imagine. I picked my room for my desired workplace. As for my career, I couldn't really think of anything. It's not like I could wright, "Be lazy for 20 hours and then get 4 hours of sleep."  And I couldn't say something like, "Youtuber or Twitch streamer" because I don't stream, don't have the necessary equipment for streaming, and don't want to stream. It seems like a lot of work that I don't feel like putting in. So I wrote down, 

Hiratsuka-sensei: "Cat caretaker. My cat named Myst mainly stays in my room, sleeps with me, lays on my lap and keyboard, and I have decided to take responsibility in taking care of her and loving her. I will feed her and give her love for as long as she lives..." 

She seemed clearly angered. Imagine if that was what I actually wanted to pursue as a career. I wouldn't mind it, but I wouldn't get any money out of it. If I went to an actual cat nursery and took care of cats there, then Myst would be mad and feel that I'm cheating on her.  

Hiratsuka-sensei: "Do you think this is a career? To take care of your cat? If that was a career then I wouldn't be standing in this spot today, I'd be in my room. But it's not. You're both redoing your applications." She grabbed a cigarette and started smoking. 

Y/N: "Can I try one?" 

Hiratsuka-sensei actually ended up handing me one, just to see what I would do. I grabbed the cigar, and threw it in the trash can that sat in the corner of the room, we all watched as it fell in. Hiratsuka-sensei looked back towards me. 

Y/N: "Can I try another one?" 

Hiratsuka-sensei: "If you're gonna throw them all away then no." 

Y/N: "My plans have been foiled." She lightly chuckled before saying, 

Hiratsuka-sensei: "Also your workplace is going to be attended by other students in groups of three. You guys can team up with whoever you want, so come prepared." 

Y/N: "I don't want people coming into my room." 

Hiratsuka-sensei: "You really want to work in your room, huh?" 

Timeskip to my cousins hanging around in my room

I walked towards the Service Club door. This time I actually knocked, I wasn't making the same mistake twice. Yukino, instead of saying come in, opened the door herself, and saw that I lay behind it. 

Yukino: "There you are." 

Y/N: "Were you looking for me?" 

Yukino: "Well... Y-Yes. But only because you were coming late and I can't let you run away. I have been tasked in disciplining you." 

Y/N: "Awww, Yukino cares about me." 

She turned around swiftly and sat in her seat with a 'hmph'. How has she managed to get so cute recently. I-I mean, she's acting weird recently. 

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