Chapter 17: Another Damn Festival

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(A/N): This is just a filler chapter to mark the end of the first season. As always, please point out any mistakes I may have made in the chapter, but besides that, please enjoy. 


Sometimes, teamwork isn't always the best option when coming up with a solution. Thinking between yourself is the best option to get the best result. 

But, that 'best result' might be biased. It is just the way you think, after all. You could give all the evidence in the world for a specific way something is perceived to be, and someone in the world still won't believe you.

It's just bias. You could say that water is not wet, but then someone else will tell you, 'No, you're wrong. Water is wet,' but then give no reasoning as to why or how it is wet. 

Even if they do give a reasoning as to why water is wet, the other person may not accept that reasoning because of their own opinions. 

Yukino: "What a pointless topic to argue about. Deciding whether water is wet or not is unimportant." 

Y/N: "I figured you'd say something like that... How'd you even know what I was thinking about?"

Yukino: "I guess you could say, you speak your mind sometimes."  

The three of us were outside on the school's field. There were tennis courts around the corners of the large dirt field, as printed flyers were being stapled onto any wall tangible of holding them. 

It reminded me of the fact that the athletic festival was today, which is what the printed flyers were all about.

Yui: "What do you think, Yukino? Do you think water is wet?" 

Yukino: "I would rather spend my time thinking about something important rather than, 'Is water wet?'"

Y/N: "Well, in my opinion-" (This is the part where you say the correct answer) 

Meguri: "Hey guys!" Meguri appeared out of no where, as she suddenly spoke loudly to us all.

"Let's have a great athletics festival today! Hip! Hip! Hooray!" 

Yui/Yukino/YN: "H-Hooray..." We followed up with her hooray, however unwillingly. 

Meguri, just as quick as she appeared, walked away with her usual happy smile and attitude. Honestly, it's something that I liked about her. She seemed to be so genuinely positive, and on top of that, she was cute. 

But I feel like that'll get tiring after a while, no? If you were positive all the time, would that really make you feel a positive feeling? There's only a happy moment in your life because something bad happened previously. The principle of Yin and Yang, basically.

Imagine a perfect world with no problems or stress. That would seem like a good thing to us, but if there was really a world like that, would the people in that world actually appreciate it? They would have no bad things to compare their perfect life to, so how would they be able to appreciate their perfect life?

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