Chapter 9: Summer Vacation

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I was in my room, playing video games, when my phone buzzed on the table. I turned it over to find that Hiratsuka-sensei had emailed me. I turned the phone back over and continued playing games. Some time later, she called. Then, she spammed me with mail. I finally turned my phone back over and read what she had sent. 

(Sent at 9:39 am)

Sender: Hiratsuka Shizuka
It's Hiratsuka Shizuka. Please contact me as soon as you get my mail

"Y/N, I need to speak to you immediately concerning the Service Club's activity over summer break. Please call me back."

(Sent at 9:41 am)

Sender: Hiratsuka Shizuka
Subject: Are you still sleeping (LOL)

"I've tried to call and email you several times."

(Sent at 9:46 am)

Sender: Hiratsuka Shizuka
Subject: You've actually seen them, haven't you? 

"Hey, you have, haven't you?!" 

(Sent at 9:46 am)

Sender: Hiratsuka Shizuka
Subject: No subject.

"Answer your phone." 

Jesus Christ, I'm starting to see why she doesn't have a boyfriend. I was about to shut off my phone and continue playing games, until a call rang through. The screen read, 'Yukino'. I answered soon after. 

Y/N: "Yukino?" 

Yukino: "Y/N, sorry to call, I just wanted to ask you if we could... U-Um... I just wanted to know i-if you um..." 

Y/N: "...What?"

Yukino: "I-If you wanted to go to Chiba... with me... Like a..."

"Like a... date?" 

"Yeah... a d-d-date." 

We both went silent behind our phones. Never had I ever thought that this would be a situation that could happen to me, and in such a short amount of time, too. My heart was beating fast, but I still had to respond to her. 

Y/N: "Yeph... I-I mean, yes. U-Uh where should we meet and when?" 

She informed me of where to go and that we were going to meet at 10 am. I looked over to the time and it was 9:45. I scrambled to get clothed and pack my bags because apparently we were gonna stay there for a day or two. I left the house quickly, almost forgetting to the lock the door behind me. I left a note for my mom and my sister as well, before finally running to my destination. 

Some time later

Hiratsuka-sensei: "How about you tell me why you didn't answer your phone." 

I dropped my bags on the floor. I have been lied to. Hiratsuka-sensei was in some weird getup and had a red van sitting behind her.

Sensei: "Well, as long as everything is alright. After trying several things, I finally got in touch with Yukino, so I was relieved." All of those messages and calls just to check up on me, to be honest, I'm kind of glad that she's not my mom. If she was, then I wouldn't be able to... uh... think about her at specific points in time...

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