"This little god is weak, but not his siblings." The royalties force their way out.

Robbit runs and attacks White Star. Hellion snatched Callen away, and a three-way battle ensued between Alver, White Star, and Robbit.

Hellion, on the other hand, was slashed across the back with the dead mana. He collapsed to the ground, in excruciating pain. He felt relieved when Alver approached him.

"Everyone!" Alver Crossman shouted, "I order you to survive!"

Hearing this, Choi Han, who had successfully apprehended the helmeted knight, ran to his master. He stepped in for them and took the blow aimed at Callen by the White Star.

Callen frowned. Everything is in disarray. This is the first time his plan has not gone as planned. Everything confuses him. Damn it. Damn it! Brain! Move! Move! Just one or two ideas!

Callen became terrified when he saw Robbit coughing up blood. They've been surrounded to the point where the avalanche stopped.

"This isn't good," he mumbled as he looked at Helly, who was exhausted.

"Brother... I..."

Helly didn't pay attention. He simply ran as quickly as he could. Keeping Callen safe from the arrows. His body was taking all the shots and bleeding profusely, but he kept running until they arrived at their rendezvous point.

Hellion, however, came to a halt. The icebreaker on which they had taken refuge was destroyed.


Robbit's voice could be heard. Clopeh, on the other hand, took the blow. He severed the enemy's head but received a wound on his stomach.



Clopeh looked at Callen. "I'm sorry... I'm not qualified as your servant," he said, smiling.He moved away from Callen and attacked the Arm.

He moved away from Callen and attacked the Arm.

Everyone is aiming their swords at the seventh prince.

The gods' favorite.

The one favored by fate.

Hellion was slammed to the ground at that precise moment.

Callen was thrown to the ground. Callen rose to his feet, but Hellion's blood smudged his face.

Hellion's chest was stabbed by the redheaded foe.

When Callen looked around, he noticed that everyone was on the ground.

He felt that dread again when he looked at White Star.

"Final words, little god?"

Callen remained deafeningly silent. This was the first time he felt completely helpless. This would never happen to them if he could only control his power to some extent.

"I will kill you... you bastard," Callen said, smiling at the opponent.


The siblings all stared at their youngest sibling, who was stabbed by the sword while held high in the air. Alver, who struggled to stand, stared blankly at his younger brother, who smiled at him.

They knew one thing for certain: they were all going to die here.

Alver's breath shook as he inhaled, rasping out a quiet exhale.

Brother will be there soon, Callie.

He remembered everyone's happy faces and laughter.

"Hah...." laughs the redhead bastard, "finally... haha... there's no threat to my wish anymore."

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