Chapter Forty Three

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The rumours had calmed down thanks to the Mendes, who began to say through their contacts that they had recently bought merchandise from Icarus Rose, and the quality was the same as always, there were no changes in the formula, and fortunately thanks to their impeccable reputation, everyone had believed it, without exception.

March had arrived and after talking and insisting a lot to Zayn, he allowed Louis to go on a vacation to the islands of Europe, from Southampton to Italy, and at that moment they were packing their bags, it went without saying that Harry was excited, it was the first time he would go on a cruise and what better than to do it with his alpha.

"Lou, do you think I should pack a suit? What else should I bring?" The alpha chuckled and moved closer to his omega to briefly kiss his lips.

"Love, we're going to be at the beach, you don't need a suit to swim." Harry nodded and continued packing.

The next morning they left the house and a car took them to Southampton, just an hour and forty minutes from London, their ship left at three in the afternoon and they had to be there from two, so they could settle in their room quietly. Louis took Harry to lunch at his favourite restaurant in the city, they walked around the centre a couple of times and finally went to the port, where his ship was already waiting for them.

Of course, as soon as they saw Louis arrive, at least four alphas came to take their bags, Louis had chosen the most expensive suite and of course they knew who they were, everyone who worked on that cruise ship expected a look of approval from the couple, Harry was smiling at him and thanking the workers and Louis was expressionless, barely showing emotion when it came to paying attention to his omega.

"Lou, can we go swimming later? I think I saw a pool, a pool on the boat!" He whispered excitedly, Louis gave a small laugh and nodded.

"Whatever you ask for, little bear." She gave him a small kiss on the lips and they walked hand in hand to his room.

The suite was huge, it had a small room with a balcony, some stairs that led to the room, which was not closed, which allowed it to have a view of the window that separated the suite from the outside, on the ground floor there was also the fully equipped bathroom, including a bathtub, and a closet for his belongings, Harry's eyes sparkled and Louis' heart melted at the image of his omega so excited exploring the place.

"Uhm, love?" Harry called from upstairs, Louis went up and saw his omega with a box in hand. "They left us suppressors here.”

The alpha laughed and hugged his omega around the waist, Harry hid in his neck and inhaled the intoxicating aroma of his alpha, it always calmed him in a way that he couldn't explain with words.

"So why don't we make good use of them?" He whispered in his ear, and Harry laughed and punched him on the shoulder.

"Idiot." He replied, but still he began to kiss him intensely, Louis's hands were running down his back and Harry was clinging to his neck.

And the holidays were just beginning.


My watch had started at dawn, after Mr. Tomlinson left the house with his omega I knew it was time to act; I walked slowly through the corridor on the second floor, checking each room as usual, making sure that everything was in order and there wasn't an intruder sticking his nose where he didn't belong, trying to avoid the gazes of the other guards even though I knew perfectly well that nobody was going to say anything to me, who would say something to the most trusted guard?

After the conversation that I heard from Mr. Styles and Tomlinson, I knew that I had to investigate more. There were many things they were hiding from us and definitely some of them would help me finally get out of this place. I had hidden my identity for too long and I was already fed up with it. to do it, when Calder fell I swore to wait until he could exact revenge, I kept my position and a low profile, I gained Payne's trust until I became co-head of security, thanks to Tomlinson and Styles began their courtship there was a open position next to the boss and I was the second choice to fill the position after Styles, of course. The Calders were always the first to help me when I needed them, and although I had known Malik since he became the head of Icarus Rose, my loyalty was to Killian, I was indebted to him and his father, and it was time to act.

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