Once we get back to the academy Roza and I will be moving into a room together. And I don't give a der'mo what anyone, including and especially that hateful and cruel old suka Kirova, has to say about it. Roza moya and I will be living together when we get back to the academy. I will be there to help her through this, through the nightmares that are still yet to come, through those and everything else for the rest of our lives. Which we will be spending together, hopefully not too far off into the future as husband and wife. If that is still what she wants of course, which I hope and pray to the good Lord above that it is. (shit, bitch, my)

Thinking of Kirova brought to mind a couple of memories that I need to tell Aunt Tati about. I have overheard a few conversations between several of the younger guardians about Kirova. Apparently, she has tried 'chatting them up', as they called it, trying to get them to sleep with her. Of course, all of these guardians are under twenty years old. And I really do need to tell Aunt Tati about all of this and see if we can't possibly, hopefully, get Kirova replaced as headmistress of St. Vladimir's Academy soon. But to do that I would like to put forth a replacement idea, which I don't have yet.

For the next couple of hours, we followed my angels list to the letter and had a shower, a soak, food, and then a few hours of sleep and we did all of it together. Just exactly like I plan for us to do everything else for the rest of our lives.

Well, we got more than a few hours of sleep to be honest. We were woken up by the room phone ringing some almost twelve hours later. I don't know if whoever it was had tried our cell phones first or not because I sure as ad hadn't heard them if they had. (hell)

After what angel moya had been through the last almost week and my being awake for the whole entire time that she was away. I have no idea of just how long that we would have actually slept if we had been given the opportunity. A couple of days at least I would think. I figured that her nightmares didn't start last night because of the fact that she was just SOOOO yeblya exhausted, entirely too exhausted to even dream. But I knew firsthand that they would be starting very soon. (my, fucking)

"Hello?" I asked just as quietly as I possibly could, my voice gruff from sleep and lack of use over the last several hours, as I answered the phone. I was trying my best to be just as quiet as I possibly could be because lyubov' moya was continuing to sleep soundly on my chest. And I didn't want to change that or disturb her if I didn't absolutely have to. (my love)

"Belikov, this is Prince Badica's head guardian Pavel, Guardian Petrova would like to debrief Rose. Is she awake yet?"

"No, thankfully she is still very soundly and peacefully asleep." I whispered my response to my Roza's father's guardian's question.

"Do you think that it would be all right to wake her for a while? She can go right back to sleep after her debriefing if that is what she wants to do. But we don't want to wake her if you think that it would be detrimental to her mental, physical, and emotional recovery in any way."

"Where does she want to do this?" I asked quietly with a sigh.

"Here, in Abe's suite. We all had the thought that we could order breakfast and do her debrief over breakfast. The general combined thought is that an informal setting might help keep Rose as calm and at ease as possible."

"All right, please give us at least an hour. And tell Prince Badica to be sure to order lots of food, because Roza moya has a huge voracious appetite, even for a dhampir of my size." (my)

He laughed. "I will make sure to do that. Is there anything specific that she likes?"

"Chocolate doughnuts, double cholate brownies and pepperoni pizza are her absolute favorites. But I don't imagine that brownies or pizza are the best for breakfast. So just tell him a very very very large full American breakfast to go along with several chocolate doughnuts."

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