back home baby

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After JJ's ex-girlfriend left, JJ leaned over his little sister who was still in Pope's arms, who wouldn't let go.

"This chick is crazy, man." Scoffed John B.

Kiara nodded sharply.

"So, little Smurf. What did you wanna ask ?" He asked in a small voice.

Her little sister poked her head out of Pope's sweater, sniffling loudly. She pointed to her dirty clothes and dirty shoes.

"Oh... you want new clothes ? Baby, I can't afford for it. But I'll get a job and next week, I'll buy you a new shirt and maybe a New pants." he smiled.

Summer nodded and stood up.

"But daddy's have my clothes." She whispered to JJ.

He felt his blood run cold. Summer had already been hit by Luke, it would never happen again but he was afraid. What if Luke tried to hit her or him again?

"I dont know uh-"

"Pleaseeeeeeeeee." She begged him.

JJ closed his eyes tightly, he thought about the pros and cons. He wanted Summer to be comfortable in her clothes and get out of them but he was home all the time. He finally nodded and asked her to get in the twinkie.

"You guys stay here. I'll go home with her and yeah." he nodded.

John B, Kiara and Pope gave him a pitying look and watched him slowly walk away, dragging his feet in the sand.

He got into the van and began to drive her home. Summer was playing with her little puppy in the back. He barked almost silently and despite his young age, Summer was afraid of hurting him by touching him. Jj began to stress more and more. Maybe Luke was at Barry's and wouldn't be seen.

He parked in the driveway of his house. Unfortunately, his car was there. He was probably dead drunk. Jj took his sister in his arms and motioned to her to be quiet as he went inside the house. As he thought, Luke was sprawled out on the couch with several beer cans lying around. JJ hid his father from his little sister's eyes. She was hanging on like a koala in his arms so she was hiding in his chest, she didn't see him.

JJ ignored his feelings about his father and went to his and her sister's room. She got down from the blond man's arms and started to take out some clothes for the week. She pulled out a little blue dress, some pants, sweaters and underwear. As they were getting ready to go out, Summer hung up a bottle that broke as soon as it fell, waking their father.

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