Birthday p2

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Rafe Cameron. The pogues enemy.

He walked confidently to Kiara, Pope and Summer. The kid, when she saw him, she gave a little cry of excitement and ran towards him. He knelt down and welcomed her in his arms, laughing softly. Kiara exchanges a glance with Pope. They had never seen Rafe be gentle, especially not with a child. Rafe used to use his fists to hit or his mouth to hurt. He wasn't the affectionate type, not even with his own sister.

"hi missie. How are you today? I heard it's your birthday." he told her.

"yes." summer smiled at him.

She saw Sarah coming behind him with a small cardboard box. She put it in front of the girl. John B and Jj had returned to the beach and sat next to Pope and Kiara, observing every move the kooks made. JB had told them the whole story, how Summer had spent the night at the Cameron's, and for the past few weeks they had been seeing each other from time to time, sometimes running into each other at the restaurant or at the beach.

Summer opened the box and jumped when a small creature jumped up and licked her face. It was a little golden retriever puppy, not higher than Summer's belly button.

She let out a little cry of excitement and began to fill the puppy with kisses and hugs. JJ stood up.

"Absolutely not." he said to Rafe.

"Let her, man. She's doesn't have any kid friends." he scoffed.

Summer let go of the little dog and turned to her big brother, giving him cat eyes.

His gaze shifted between his little sister, rafe and then the puppy. He sighed.

"Fine, fine." he finally agreed.

Summer ran into his arms, thanking him before she returned to her little pet.

Sarah leaned in beside them.

"What is his name?" she asked.

Sarah raised her head and caught John B looking at her. He turned his head as soon as she saw that sh
E was staring at him.

"Don't know. Goden." She said.

JJ frowned.

"Golden?" He resumed.

He knew she was having trouble pronouncing her letters because of her missing little teeth. She nodded positively and even though he wasn't crazy about the name, he agreed. After all, it was her dog.

Sarah cleared her throat.

"This is $300 card for the pet store. For toys, food etc... this is only for the pet store." She said as she handed it to Jj.

He stuffed it in his pocket.

"Oh and finally." Rafe began.

He pulled two small collars out of his pocket. One for the dog and the other seemed more like a small bracelet for Summer, the same color as Golden's collar. She hurriedly to attached it surprised her wrist, happy.

"Thank you." She said to them.

JJ looked Rafe up and down. He didn't like the relationship he had with his little sister.

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