011. A Letter to Elise.

Beginne am Anfang

She sank her dainty feet into a pair of cherry red doc martens, picked up her bag and walked through the exit doors.

"Do you want some cake?" Dustin asked, as I shook my head, my eyes on the doors as they swung closed.

"No Henderson, I want her." I replied.

Who was she?

I definitely hadn't seen her around school; I was sure of it.

Unless she did go to Hawkins High, and we'd just never walked the school halls at the same time.

Either way, it was driving me mad.

I hadn't managed to ask Dustin or the other little sheep if they knew her, I'd been too lost in my own head trying to figure out, to ask them.

I was in the mall, trying to walk her out of my head as I occupied myself in the music store.

Gareth and Jeff were with me, and were in the food court waiting for me, whilst I browsed.

I looked through the recently added tapes on the shelf, and as I turned around, she was suddenly there behind me.

I jumped, a little startled and she gasped loudly.

"I'm so sorry, I was just going to grab one of the Dio tapes." She said, a little sheepishly.

"That's okay." I said, laughing softly.

I grabbed two of the tapes, and handed her one, my hands a little shaky.

Why did this chick make me so nervous?

"You like Dio too?" She asked, surprised.

"Yeah, I'm a huge fan." I answered, as she smiled broadly.

"I don't know many people who like them." She said, still a little surprised.

"They have a reasonably small following, I guess." I said, as she chuckled softly.

"You were the guy at the rink last night? Helped me up." She said, finally recognising me.

"Yeah that was me." I said, with a smile.

"I'm Eddie, Eddie Munson." I added, holding my hand out.

"I'm Elise. Elise Grange." She said, taking it.

We shook hands and she held up the tape in her hands.

"I'd better go and pay for this." She said, as I nodded.

"See you." She said, as I waved and watched her walk away from me.

For the love of God, just ask her Eddie.

"Hey, do you go to school around here?" I called to her.

She turned around at the cashiers desk and smiled.

"I will do, on Monday. I just moved here." She said.

She walked back over to me, and sighed softly.

"We moved here, yesterday. I'm from California originally." She added.

That would explain the light tan she had.

"And you moved here?" I asked, as she laughed.

"It's not so bad." She said, with a shrug.

"It's literally an armpit." I replied, as she laughed again.

"You're not selling it to me, I just have to tell you that." She said.

"I'm not trying to." I admitted, smirking.

"What school will you be going?" I added.

"Hawkins High." She said.

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