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Officer : "You better behave out there. Just because you leaving today it doesn't mean that we won't be keeping tabs on you , you hear?"

MaDube : "Yes." They hand her all her things. She walks on the long , empty road thinking about what to do next. She doesn't know where to even start since her husband also died in jail. She doesn't know where and how do you even begin looking for a job cause she has always been dependant on her husband. She is grateful for this second chance she got , she thinks of ways she could turn her life around as she walks. A car stops next to her , she is scared but doesn't show it

Lady : "Hi. Do you need a lift?"

MaDube : "No , it's fine. I'm fine."

Lady : "You can't be walking alone in these streets , it's dangerous especially since you are a woman."

MaDube : "..."

Lady : "Im not a bad person , i promise you." MaDube eventually climbs in the car , the lady drives off. She keeps trying to make conversation with her to make her relax but it don't work.

Lady : "Where do i drop you off mah?"

MaDube : "Uhm just before this bridge , I'll walk the rest of the way , it's closer."

Lady : "are you sure?" She doesn't want to seem ungrateful so she nods smiling tightly.

MaDube : "Yebo ngane yami."

Lady : "Okay then. Here we are mah." She parks then gives her a R200 note she had on her glovebox.

MaDube : "my chlld."

Lady : "Don't worry mah. You can buy cold drink , to cool down a bit."

MaDube : "Thank you sisi. God bless you ngane yami." She steps out of the car still emotional. She will now be able to catch a taxi , she crosses the vridge and hails a taxi to the township. She finally gets to her destination , she knocks on the door and a woman in a nurse uniform answers the door.

Woman : "Sawubona , can i help you?"

MaDube : "Uhm i am looking for Simangele Sithole."

Woman : "oh come in." MaDube exhales in relief. She sits nervously on the couch waiting on the woman who said she's going to get her. A minute later , the woman comes back pushing MaSithole in a wheelchair. Shock doesn't explain what she was feeling , seeing her friend like that.

MaDube : "Simangele! What happened to you?"

Nurse : "She can't really talk , it has been two years now. They said she was kidnapped and tortured and they left her in front of a hospital."

MaDube : "Heeh!?!" She screams in shock.

Nurse : "Yes. Some people are cruel out there shame." She shakes her head.

MaDube : "Do you guard her 24 hours?"

Nurse : "No, i am only paid to look after her during the day. I knock off at 7pm , by that time she has had her night bath , dinner , medication and is in bed."

MaDube : "How does she use the toilet?"

Nurse : "She doesn't , she has a catheter that is changed weekly."

MaDube : "Uhm her family?"

Nurse : "She doesn't have any , the person paying me is anonymous. I have never seen or heard their voice."

MaDube : "Okay. I will be staying here with her then for a short while."

Nurse : "Okay."

True Love Never Fails जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें