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Today will be the first day i see Nkosinathi after that 'confession day'. I have been avoiding him and making sure that my grandfather speaks with him and his parents about the kids. I also haven't been talking to my parents , I'm angry at them. I always thought Mkhulu was being a bit dramatic when he said my parents are irresponsible but now i see it too , like how the hell do you even be okay to participate in keeping a secret from your child that you know will break that child?! I don't understand.

Anywho , i was waiting for Nathi to get here and take his kids then i can proceed to my date with a new friend of mine. Mkhulu wasn't home so that's why I had to wait for Nathi.

Nkosenye : "Baba! Baba!" He screamed jumping up and down then ran outside. Nkazi was all cuddled up on me , ever since she was brought back home , she has been so clingy to me and i am not complaining one bit.

Nathi : "Hey mommy. Hey princess." He greeted kissing our cheeks.

Me : "You good?"

Nathi : "I've been better." He smiled shyly.

Me : "Right! Look , I am actually on my way out , was just waiting for you to get here."

Nathi : "Oh okay. It was good seeing you. Say bye mommy." Nkosenye wasn't even interested in me anymore since he was in his father's arms.

Nkazi : "Bye mama." I kissed them goodbye and they left.


We were in Butcher Block Restaurant in Umhlanga with my date. Bandile Shezi. We met in Ballito , i was on a weekend away to relax and we met at the hotel , we clicked instantly and became very good friends.

Bandile : "I missed you yazi." He says hugging me again then kisses my cheek , i blush.

Me : "I missed you too , it's been a minute man."

Bandile : "Otherwise , how have you been?" I exhale smiling.

Me : "I have been very good , thank you. You? Finally got a chance to talk to your daughter?"

Bandile : "Yeah. I am actually very happy. She understood my reasons , she wasn't what i thought she would be." He says smiling widely with his eyes beaming.

Me : "Im happy for you man."

Bandile : "So , did you think about my proposal?"

Me : "Yes and I think you right but I haven't decided." He had proposed that he wants me to join his campaign so i can encourage and empower teenages who have been in similar situations as me growing up.

Bandile : "Aw come on Yoli mfethu. You know you will be the best person for this since you also grew up kanzima yabo? You relate better to those kids and vele they need someone who understands their situation for what it is. Ngiyakucela mama." I roll my eyes.

Me : "Fine Mr Shezi. I'll do it."

Bandile : "And you'll go back to school?" He says smiling sheepishly , giving me a puppyface.

Me : "Don't push it." He smiles

Bandile : "Okay okay , sorry." After what had happened , i neglected my schoolwork and ended up dropping out straight.

Me : "Thank you."

Bandile : "I believe in you." He says softly holdong my hand , making my heart warm and skin tingle.

Me : "I appreciate that." I really needed to hear that from someone. We continue having our lunch while chatting and laughing at our dry jokes. He pays the bill and gets my handbag.

Bandile : "Can we go to the beach?" I smile nodding. I was really enjoying his company. We got to the parking lot , he opened the door for me then went to the driver's side after i was settled. He drove off playing some slow jam music , the sun was setting now. He parked the car and got out , came around the car to get my door then crouched down and took off my shoes.

Bandile : "Those shoes won't be good when we walk on the sand." He was also barefoot , he then made me wear his slides. He locked the car and we started walking towards the water.

Me : "The air is refreshing."

Bandile : "Very much. I always take a walk in the beach if it gets too much for me." We walk in silence until a man selling ice cream walks by and i stop him to buy , i buy two.

Ice cream man : "Thank you sis. Y'all are a beautiful couple." I blush.

Me : "Oh no we are not together."

Bandile : "Atleast not yet." He shrugs and they fistbump with the man and we continue with our walk.

Bandile : "Knock , knock."

Me : "Who's there?"

Bandile : "Lena"

Me : "Lena who?"

Bandile : "Lena little closer so I can kiss you" I blush as he grabs me by waist.

Me : "Bandile." He smiles brushing his thick lips against mine.

Bandile : "Can i?" Words seem to be stuck in my throat so i nod. He places his soft hands on my cheeks and pulls me towards him and pecks my lips multiple times before placing a big juicy kiss.

Bandile : "You're the most beautiful person I've ever seen." He says after breaking the kiss , making my cheeks turn red from the blushing.

Me : "Thank you." I whisper. We continue walking while eating our melted magnum ice-creams.

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