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I know I'm a jerk and a coward for watching my woman fight for the both of us. I truly understand Nela's anger towards me and my family. Right now we at her grandfather's warehouse somewhere in Durban. She has locked herself in the bedroom here and isn't talking to anyone , she emphasized that we can only disturb her when her son is here.

It has been two hours already since Mike was sent to fetch my son , so i call him up on my burner phone

Mike : " Boss?"

Me : " Mike , where the hell are you?! My woman is going crazy here waiting for her son and I really don't wanna kill anyone as yet."

Mike : "I was about to call you boss , the address yoh gave us we got there and found an old woman who told us the boy was taken by his aunt who he also seemed excited to see."


Mike : "Yes boss."

Me : "And didn't you think to ask the old woman about the aunt?!" He curses softly.

Mike : "Shit , I'll do so now boss!"

Me : "Mike if i don't have my son here with me in the next hour , consider yourself an orphan and with no family whatsoever."

Mile : "sho boss!" I click my tongue and hang up. I lift up my glass of whiskey to gulp it down but someone snatches it off my hand.

Rhadebe : "Don't! You know you in no condition to drink." I sigh. We disturbed by a scream from the bedroom , we run there and i open with the spare key i kept in my pocket earlier.

Me : "Baby?" She looks at me and sobs loudly throwing her phone at me. I look at her screen and there's a message from an unknown number that reads "I am not stupid girly , i know my daughter is safe cause she's with me." it has a picture of my father and Wawa attached and it looks recent judging by how Biyela looked and with today's outfit.

Me : "so you never killed Wawa?" I ask in a whisper as i sit next to her , i honestly was terrified that i had maybe turned Nela into something she isn't. Another one pings , it reads : "I know how to keep my kids safe , can't say much the same about you LOL" with a smiley face emoji. Oh there's a video , i open it and i immediately regret it. It's a video of the day our princess was shot , as they started shooting she screamed , i could hear her little voice screaming 'mama! Mama!' until it went silent and the video ended.

Me : 'I'm sorry baby." She was crying screaming while pressing her hands tightly against her ears rocking herself back and forth. I honestly didn't know what to do myself , i also wanted to just cry but i had to be strong for her and the both of us. Shortly mom walked in with her mom , they were both crying , they both hugged her forcefully and her mom injected her ; i didn't even notice the sedate in her hand. Nela fell asleep right there and then , we walked out to the other room. I honestly didn't know it was this bad and Mike better come back with my son , I'm afraid if he doesn't then Nela will just get worse.

Mom : "What triggered her?" I exhale rubbing my eyes with hopes of stopping my tears from falling.

Me : "we saw my father then he sent some disturbing messages to Nela's phone."

Her mom : "what kind of messages? Can we see?" I open Nela's phone and hand to mom who screams 'hhayi' in shock crying and hands it Nela's mom who also gasps and cries.

Her mom : "Why is this man so cruel?" She cries and her husband comforts her.

Menzi : "Gasa will be here shortly." He says looking at me , i nod clenching my jaw. Mike's call comes through on my burner phone

Me : "Mike , I thought i told you that i want you here with my son in now ten minutes." He clears his throat.

Mike : "Uh boss , the lady that took your son has fled. We've been asking around and no one knows or has seen where she went."


Mike : "Yes sir."  I click my tongue and hang up the call. I just go straight to my corner with my laptop and try to locate my son using the tracker that i had installed in him today at the mall. The tracker shows that he is in ENanda. I click my tongue standing up , oh Gasa is here

Me : "Gasa omkhulu." He nods and manly hugs me , patting my shoulders firmly.

Gasa : "Son , we'll take care of that man."

Me : "For now , is there any way i can get to be drived somewhere?or i drive myself."

Gasa : "I'll get Mike..."

Me : "Don't bother , i don't want Mike cause I'll end up killing him." He sighs and nods.

Gasa : "Okay , take Nsimbi." Nsimbi is his right hand man / body guard , he is scary asf! Nsimbi and i use Gasa's car and drive to the location i found , the location leads us to a very shady place , he parks on the side of the road where there's many shacks on the side.

Me : "This is the place?"  He nods. He never talks by the way. We get out of the car and lock it then walk in between these shacks , im following behind Nsimbi because he has the tracking device with him , it beeps and he stops. I guess we here , he doesn't knock byt kicks the door down.

Me : "I should've known it was you , you stupid bitch!" I scream when i see that girl from earlier.

Zane : "Nkosi , i just wanted your attention and I'm glad i got it. Nkosinathi , i won't lie i still want you and when i saw you earlier my feelings just went wild....." i cut her off

Me : "Futsek sf*be!" I scream at her , she was really pissing me off further than i already was.

Zane : "Nkosi. We can raose your son together and it'll be easier since he likes me already. Oh and that's also why i liked him like my own , he reminded me of my old love and fortunately for me you his father really? That is a sign yazi!"

Nsimbi : "Nkunzi , phuma ngaphandle ngiyeza manje" he says in his deep rough voice , it sounds scary. As soon as i get in the car , i hear a loud bang ; it's a gunshot. Nsimbi walks out few minutes later. My son is sleeping so peacefully , Nsimbi enters the car and drives off.

Nsimbi : "The guys are on their way to clean up."

Me : "Thank you man."

Nsimbi : "Should get the little fella checked out." I nod and text Gasa to organise a doctor for me. When we get to the warehouse , the mother's rush to take Nkosenye from me.

Nela's mom : "I'll check him."

Me : "Is Nela up?" They shake their heads.

Me : "Okay any leads?"

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