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First of all , i apologize for disappearing. I currently have no phone , my phone died and im not sure when im buying a new one so i tried typing using my small brother's phone and ay it's a mission shame! But i promise to come back with a bang soon enough!!

From me to you >> with love , Happy Reading!



The past week has been hectic , we finally captured Biyela after a long running around trying to catch him. Nsimbi did his research and that Abidemi moron or 'Mike' was lying , i am not Gasa's son and i am relieved but not entirely.

Gasa : "Mfana. Stop delaying this , get what you want from this man , kill then we move on with our lives. You can't keep playing games like this." He said sternly. I walk to the room he's tied up in with Nsimbi and some of our men.

Me : "Biyela." He smirks looking at me.

Biyela : "What am i doing here son?"

Me : "I need answers."

Biyela : "Ok." He nods.

Me : "Where is my daughter?"

Biyela : "I thought you were about to ask me your father." He smirks.

Me : "I don't flippen care about that! WHERE.IS.MY.DAUGHTER?!"

Biyela : "I gave her away , she's somewhere around the world." He laughs. I punch his nose and it makes a cracking sound , he groans before exhaling sharply.

Me : "WHY? WHY WOULD YOU BE SO CRUEL , YOU BASTARD!?!" I roar at him. He just smirks

Biyela : "Your stupid girlfriend , refused with the shares so i had to scare her a bit and i must say she's stubborn. You got yourself a keeper boy." He chuckles.

Me : "Did you have to shoot a flippen 3 year old you bastard?!"

Biyela : "Okay i am sorry , maybe i went overboard a but with that." He says looking at me , i just lost it and punched him continuously until Gasa walked in and stopped him.

Gasa : "Calm down boy."

Biyela : "Gasa." He says frowning

Gasa : "Biyela. Give one gpod reason why i shouldn't give you to my pitbulls right now!"

Biyela : "Biyela come on..."

Gasa : "Do you have any idea how my granddaughter suffered after what you did? Why should i spare you? Huh?" He asks revealing a metal stick woth blades sticking out. He gives him his first whip on his back and Biyela screams.

Biyela : "Don't do this Gasa , if anything happens to me then they will your granddaughter's daughter."

Gasa : "Oh you still wanna be cheeky?" He whips him again , only harder this time.

Biyela : "Okay I'm sorry man , im sorry."

Gasa : "Why do what you did?!"

Biyela : "I was angry okay!?! I had just found out that two of my sons were actually not my sons. Nonhle was sleeping with Lawrence when she knew how much i hated him , so i got even more angry when i learnt that he is also Nkosi's lawyer. One day i found them in my house , on my bed busy playing lovers but they never saw me."

Me : "Wait so who is really really my father?!"

Biyela : "Lawrence is your biological father and i am not."

Me : "So Gasa? What the story there?"

Biyela : "Your mother also once had an affair with Gasa." I exhale roughing my hair out of frustration. Just then the door opens and Nela's father walks in carrying a little girl child with his brothers behind him. He walks to me

Menzi : "I believe this belongs to you?"  He says looking me in the eyes , i can hear Biyela chocking or gasping for air behind me but i don't care. My hands are shaking and i can feel my tears form in my eyes. I take her and she just lays her head on my chest.

Me : "Nkosazana kaBaba?" I crash diwn to the floor while holding her tightly on me. I wail so loud while rocking us back and forth.


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