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There was awkward silence around the table , Steven and the Rodriguez family bid goodbye and left. As they walked out , Mkhulu Ndlovu walked in , i already know it.

Menzi : "Baba." Mr Ndlovu Snr just puts his hand up as a sign to silence him.

Ndlovu Snr : "Just point me to her room." He said already walking up the stairs , i follow him and show him. He walks in the room and closes it on my face. Few seconds later , i hear Nela sobbing so painfully. I just walk downstairs and get in my car then drive off.


I came back later and found the house soo quiet. I walked to the kitchen to get myself a glass of water then proceeded to the main bedroom that Nela uses. I opened the door slowly and was welcomed by emptiness , there was a piece of paper on top of the bed. My heartbeat started racing as i opened all the closet doors and there weren't any clothes of the kids and Nela. I took the piece of paper and opened it , it read as follows

"If you reading this then that means I have left. This is a letter that I never thought I would have to write. To say that I've agonized over it is an understatement. I'm writing this letter because I thought it would be better to write instead of talking to you in person, especially since both of us of usually have hair triggers on our emotions and tempers. Besides, I'm already upset, and I don't want to say anything I might regret later. I'm already trying to deal with hurt feelings and bouts of anger. I've found that writing down my thoughts is sometimes better than struggling to express my feelings out loud.

Nkosinathi. You have loved me like I have never been before. You are my one true love and always will be.

You hurt me and betrayed my trust like I never thought you would. I know you were trying to protect us as you said but you protecting us , hurt me in the process ; it messed up my mental health. Therefore I think it's best we separate. Ever since I got in a relationship with you , i have been hurt and i can't anymore cause i am scared of what might happen next. I am not trying to make you doubt yourself or anything but your love comes with heartbreak and i can't anymore. I will always love you for cherishing me and showing me what true love really is.

Concerning the kids , you can contact my grandfather and arrange a schedule with him on how and when you will see them. They are still your kids , don't disappoint them nor break their hearts cause you know , you are their hero.

Please do not try to contact me in anyway because I am really trying to heal and seeing you or hearing your voice might just set me back.

Your Love
'Nela'<3  "

I fold it and put it on the pedestal as i wipe my tears. I honestly understand her pain now and it was really unfair of us to just expect her to accept everything all at once when she had just started healing. I will respect her but I'll be damned if i never take her back and let her be with another man.


I woke up in an uncomfortable position until i realised that I was on the couch. I stood up and folded the blanket covering me , wait... i don't remember covering myself with a blanket.

Voice : "Oh you are awake." I turned and was met by Nokwazi smiling at me.

Me : "What the..? Ufunani wena la?"

Nokwazi : "Nkosi. I thought you would be happy to see me."

Me : "Happy to see you? See you? You b*tch killed my kids! You almost killed my woman! So tell me what the heck do you want in my house?!"

Nokwazi : "Nkosinathi. How could you even accuse me of such!?! How could you?!" She fakes crying. This b*tch! I slapped her so hard that she fell , she screamed. I was also gonna take out my anger on her. I went to lock the door,  closed all the windows then sent a quick text to Steven.

Nokwazi : "Nkosinathi. Don't hit me please." I slapped her again , again, again , again and again. She was now crying real bad. You see , i respect women but this one just made me do something i always promised myself i wouldn't do. A knock comes through , i peep through the keyhole and it's Steven. I open fast for him.

He starts tying her hands and legs together then , shut her mouth with a ducktape. He picked her up and went put through the backdoor with me following him. He loaded her in the boot then we got in the car and drove off.

Me : "I am killing her."

Steve : "I know. It's been long coming." I sigh as we continue driving in silence. We finally get to our destination and get out of the car. Steve gets her out of the boot and tosses her on the ground. I don't wait , i fire a shot in her stomach , neck and her forehead twice.

Steve : "She's dead." He says firing two more shots at her. We throw her down the hill where there's a small river at the end , we watch her fall all the way down then dispose our clothes by burning them then got dressed in other clothes in the car. We drove back to my house in silence.

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