author's note.

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"The trouble with discovery is that it goes two ways. For you to find something, that thing must also find you."
— Mira Grant, Into the Drowning Deep

"Unable to perceive the shape of You, I find You all around me. Your presence fills my eyes with Your love, It humbles my heart, For You are everywhere."
— The Shape of Water (2017)

After a merman saved his life five years ago, Oliver must return the favor by rescuing him from an aquarium, where he is their latest attraction.

When Oliver was sixteen, his family went on vacation in Florida. And, as he swam, a rip current pulled him out into the Atlantic. The last thing he remembered before he woke up, choking on salt water, was a merman, pulling him towards land.

The story of his rescue and survival made the international news, and changed the trajectory of his life. After all, it wasn't every day that merpeople are discovered to be real.

Five years later, he is the newest employee at Ocean Adventure, the largest aquarium in the Midwest, just in time for them to unveil their latest attraction - the first merman on display for the public.

Oliver plans on using his new position to expose the mistreatment and intelligence of the merman, but his plans are derailed when the new exhibit is revealed to be the very merman who saved his life.

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