Bai he then heard a funny horn sound and found nya looking out the window.

"What is it, nya?".

"Looks like we're about to have some visitors, and loud ones at that".

Jay sighs, knowing very well who were coming. "Ugh! . . . It's my parents. Please, if they start yapping, just don't let them keep going, okay? They don't know when to quit. And if you start talking then they'll start talking, and suddenly half the day is gone before you know it ends-".

"We get it! They talk a lot!". The older Smith sibling said, cutting off the blabber mouth in annoyances before muttering. "The cherry doesn't fall far from it's blossom".

"It would be rude to just keep them waiting. C'mon!". Jing grabbed onto jay's gi and began running out the door with him despite his protest(and a little surprised of how strong she was).

The others laughed at that before following the two. Once on the deck, the blue ninja's parents vehicle were seen to have crashed into a pile of junk that was left for properly a yard sale.

The blue ninja sighed and began making his way to them, acting happy. "Mom! Dad! What are you doing here?".

The woman, Edna, looked delighted to see her son. "Oh, look! It's my baby boy! It's been so long since we heard from you!".

Jay looked embarrassed as the others walked up behind him. "Ma, I called you two days ago".

The parents got off their ride and took off their helmet. Jing noticed how old they were compared to the normal average age to have a child jay's age.

Jay's father, ed, giggles. "Oh well . . . It's not soon enough, son. When are you coming out to the junkyard? You say you are coming an-an-and you don't".

"Dad . . . Do we have to talk about the junkyard in front of my friends?". Jay questioned, feeling a little embarrassed.

"He hates it when we tell people he was born in a junkyard". Edna exclaimed to the others, as jing smiled.

"Well that's nothing to be ashamed of. Not everyone comes from a luxurious backgrounds".

Edna looked at the nine year old and cooed. "Aww, well aren't you just a little ray of sunshine. It's a good thing I always carry extra in my purse". She dug her hand into her purse before bringing out a raspberry flavour lollipop. "Lollipop, dear?".

Jing smiled excitedly at the candy. "Yes, please!". She accepted the treat and didn't waste any time to start enjoying it.

"Aww". Edna cooed before her eyes landed on nya. "Oh . . . And who are you? You are so cute! You are just my son's type".

"Mom!". Jay whined, his cheeks turning red from embarrassment.

Nya smiled at the compliment. "It's a pleasure of meeting me. I'm sure if you want, Jay can give you a tour. He worked very hard on it".

"WE'D LOVE A TOUR!". The parents replied excitedly in unsion, to which their son sighs and knocks his head.

The ninja crew welcomed the walker parents into their home where Jay began his private tour for them, eventually reaching the bridge where the others where.

"And this is the bridge. This extent into a periscope. This tells what's going on all of Ninjago. And this, If a serpentine's not giving us the answer we want, and we're up late at night-".

Edna excitedly cuts off her son. "A Neuro apparatus to read their minds?".

"An audio appliances to make them talk?". Ed asked, his excitement equally matching his wife.

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