Not 1 nor 2 nor 3 but 4

Start from the beginning

“Ethan, tell me how fertile are true female werewolves” Stefan asks him.

“Very fertile it’s a almost certain that they will become pregnant” Ethan explains and now I know why he agreed so fast.

“But you Emma… well I’ll assure you that no form of contraception will do you any good you will become pregnant” Stefan says smiling darkly it makes me shudder like he is having thoughts of her pregnant by his seed.

“Ok sex is out of the question” Christ says immediately convince.

“What about kissing?” Ethan growls.

“Well I don’t think we can keep her from doing that” Stefan laughs “more like I know I want to do that!”

“What about her safety?” Christ asks.

“We should keep her inside at all times!” Ethan quickly pitches in.

“Hey don’t talk like I’m not here” Emma says pushing away from the guys she stomps on to the stairs stopping a few steps up and she turns to glare at everyone. “I AM A PERSON WITH FEELINGS. IF I WANT TO HAVE SEX I WILL! AND YOU CANT KEEP ME FROM-” she broke down tears filling her pretty eyes. “I hate you all!”

She ran up the stairs and I sigh knowing this would happen. I begin to walk up the stairs when Ethan grabs my arm growling for me to stop. I look down at his hand and frown right now I knew I was the only one who understood Emma. It must have been really hard to be thrown in to such a weird world and then have your life practically dictated for you.

“Look guys you kind of fuc ked all that up” I begin and pull my hand away from Ethan. “Emma isn’t someone who is going to want her life chosen for her. She isn’t the kind who will do what we say just because it’s better for her. Nope she is the kind who just needs assistance every now and then. Someone who is a free spirited so we just need let her do her thing and watch out for her.”

Emma reminded me so much of my mother but not in a gross way. It was their personalities they were both strong and free spirited. Emma didn’t need someone to crush her spirit no she needed someone to nurture it. It had taken me a long time to understand my mother and her crazy hippy ways but now that I had I was glad. Maybe I could be called a feminist but I didn’t care how gay that sounded! My mom had worked hard to raise me all by her self she deserves equal pay!

“Let her do her own thing?” Ethan says annoyed bringing me out of my mental rant. “That girl can be so… crazy!”

“Think about it! Just think about the types of things Emma has done with you guys” I say annoyed too and begin to raise my voice something I don’t usually do. “One time I wouldn’t tell her were we were going and she got angry and opened the door in the middle of the free way! She almost flew off… she was missing a shoe!”

I see Christ eyes widen, “One time… I was ignoring Emma and she tried to jump off my apartment balcony! The railing broke and she could have died! She scared the shi t out of me.”

Ethan growled loudly “Earlier today! I told her to stay back and she still ended up fighting roughs!”

“Oh… you guys have no idea how many stories I have of Emma doing crazy things” Stefan says shaking his head. “Even when she was little… one time she had climbed a tree to save a baby bird from an evil cat… she fell out of and broke arm.”

“I don’t know about you guys but hearing all those stories makes me crazy angry at her! But they also make me… realize just how special she is. She is so unique all this crazy stuff she does while it might drive me mad… it makes me want to protect her even more. Especially because she does things out of the goodness of her heart she obviously didn’t want to loose you guys if she put her life on the line” I say pleading to the guys.

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