Baby I was born this way

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Sorry this is a very short chapter but In my defence I wasn't even going to upload till friday!

I just decided to write something short and put it up because I've been getting amazing comments and Its like al ittle thank you from me to you guys <3 also picture of Emma on the side

also if you like historical romances please check out my friend who I dedicated this chapter to "Anbunaruto12" he just joined show him some love <3


Emma POV

I woke up the next day feeling great I couldn’t believe I got my wolf. Before turning I thought I would have issues with the whole idea of it but no I felt happy and proud to be a werewolf I didn’t know if those feelings came from my wolf but I didn’t care. I got up and looked around not finding Christ. He had been weird when we got back but I hadn’t really paid much attention since I was so exhausted. Just as I was about to get up from my soft warm bed Christ walked in to the bedroom and he looked agitated.

“Are you ok?” I ask frowning and getting up cautiously making my way up to him.

“I’m fine” he spat and proceeded to phase back and forward on the room.

“No your not, what’s up?” I ask closing the distance between us.

“It’s none of your god dam business” he growled at me.

“Christ please” I say putting my hand against his arm trying to calm him.

“You know what the problem with me is? Its you!” he pointed at me accusingly. “You had to go and turn in to a god dam werewolf! I accepted you being human even with your weird magical hiccups and now this? You knew this and didn’t tell me.”

“Christ… I’m sorry I didn’t know… I mean I knew there was a chance but I was hoping it wouldn’t happen” I pleaded.

“You have no idea how disgraceful it is to have you as my mate” he roars. “I’m freaked royalty and you? A mutt that’s what you are! We just won the war against wolfs not that long ago, a war I fought in and now I’m going to go up and marry you? One of them!”

“I’m sorry… I can’t help what I am” I mumbled softly.

“I bet your blood wont taste well any more… not that I was getting any to begin with” he spat looking at me like I was nothing but filth. “You know what you are?”

“Christ stop plea-“

“You’re a disgrace. Your not a wolf, human or anything else for that manner just a mistake that was brought upon this world. You don’t belong in our world or the human world” he says his eyes filled with hatred only now.

“I-“ I didn’t know what to say I mean what could I say?

 “GET OUT” he said so loud it made my ears hurt.

“Christ pleases” I begged.

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