Chapter 78: Warm Sun To Rain.

Start from the beginning

"Those… those ones," Jeongguk shyly smiled before looking up at the other's loving gaze.

"The sweetest of gazes for the sweetest of people." The older lets the flirt slip past his lips.

"Quit teasing," Jeongguk giggled.

"Never," Taehyung took his hand. "Come on, let's go,"

They walked to their door and made their way out into the halls. A few maids and other servants were busy cleaning, and when they saw the two walking by, they did a quick bow and said a good morning to them both. The two replied each time, and the younger hissed silently to himself from the pain of his headache. It made Taehyung concerned by the other's reaction, so he quickened his pace to the stairs and to the lower levels of the castle.

Each step made Jeongguk's head hurt more, and it created a pounding like pain in the middle of his forehead. He sighed at the feeling but knew it'll be gone once they saw Namjoon.

Coming to the physician's door, the king knocked quickly against it, and the two waited for it to open. Once it did, they saw Namjoon, who looked like he had just woken up and had gotten changed.

"Oh, what brings you two here this early..?" He asked.

"Jeongguk has a headache because of the rain coming and we came to see if you had any medicine already made" Taehyung explained as they stepped in the physician's quarters and Taehyung directed the younger to sit on the table.

Namjoon shut the door behind them both. "I don't have any made currently, but I can make some right now. It won't take too long, so don't worry,"

He then looked at the warlock for a second. "You can handle that, right Jeongguk..?"

"Mhm." He nodded. "I wouldn't have to sleep it off when I was a kid. It was really bad.."

"That's horrible," Taehyung commented as he frowned and took the warlock's face in his hands.

Jeongguk gave a small smile. "It's alright… sure someday where worse than others, but I had to deal with it, "

As the two were talking, the physician was busy making the medicine for the younger. "How bad is it right now, Jeongguk?"

"Like a heavy ache," He replied. His face had been freed from being in between the king's hands, and he was just resting his head against Taehyung's chest.

"Hmm, I'll make it a bit stronger for you then…" Namjoon muttered with a nod of his head.

Taehyung watched the physician add something more to the potion for the younger. He didn't know exactly what it was, but he knew he was safe for the warlock to have. He, too, had the same potion before when he was a child.

"There we go. This should work." Namjoon picked up the potion and carried it over to the two, who were waiting. "He should drink half of it now and half when it does start raining."

"Thank you, Namjoon-hyung." Jeongguk nodded as he took the potion from the older hand before he started to drink half.

"Bewarned, it has a weird-"

Jeongguk gagged a bit after he swallowed the first half of the potion. "..taste..?" He groaned.

"Yeah.. sorry, I need to find a way to make it taste better at something.." Namjoon sighed.

"It's okay." Jeongguk shook his head to dismiss the other's worries.

"Thank you, Namjoon-hyung, and I'll make sure he has the other half when it does start to rain." Taehyung reassured the physician.

"Good, I was hoping you would," He laughed. "By the way, where are the knights?"

"They're doing something for Ggukie, which is watching the water levels at his old village. He wanted to know when the best time was for our wedding day, " Taehyung explained to the other as he ran his fingers through the warlock's hair.

"Oh, okay… that's nice of the knights to do so," Namjoon commented.

"I said it was like a holiday for them, and they were happy about it," Jeongguk replied with a smile and closed eyes as he felt Taehyung play with his hair.

"That makes a lot more sense," Namjoon joked.

"Thank you again, Namjoon-hyung," Jeongguk spoke with a smile.

"No problem, Gguk."

The weather did turn to rain later that day, and Taehyung did make sure that the warlock drank the rest of his potion. He also made Jeongguk take a nap to pass time and rest from the pain of the headache. Jeongguk didn't mind that the other was doing this for him. He liked that Taehyung looked out for him. He wouldn't have it any other way.


I hope you like it
Again, I'm sorry for it being not as good as other chapters, I am very tired when I write these chapters nowadays, and it's kinda hard getting through filler at the moment.

But I still hope you enjoyed it.

I purple you 💜💜💜💜

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now