People and Lights

Start from the beginning

"Nice to meet you, I'm Echo." It was odd talking to so many people all the sudden. I've been on my own for about three years, I used to think it'd stay that way forever.

"So i've heard," he laughed. "Olli here can't stop talking about you." I smiled at Olli and nudged him softly, making him smile.

Another man came in, he had black buzzed hair, a goatee, and tattoos up his arms, like he was in a metal band or something.

"I'm Marty; the doctor here. You got some serious Injury's. Broken ribs, a concussion, and the bullet wounds of course, your eye socket will heal just fine it didn't get anything important. You should be able to start moving in a week or two, for now you should rest." Didn't expect that.

"Thank you guys, I really appreciate it." they smiled at me kindly and warmly, "Also, if I can walk a few miles while it's bleeding, i'll be good to walk today...but--thank you so much for helping us."

Cali laughed, "Oh..we'll be good friends." I was amused at all the energy she was filled with, it was unusual even before the apocalypse happened. "Ill go get you a room ready,"she said attentively.

I smiled appreciatively, "Thank you, Cali."She smiled and made her way out of the room with a skip in her step.

"I'm really hungry, where can I get some food around here." I asked holding my abdomen that was still very much in pain.

"Someone can bring you food. I really recommend you rest, but I guess I can't stop you." Marty laughed putting his hands up in surrender.

I smiled, "I'll take it easy, I promise."

"I'll show you," Olli said quickly and pulled me by my hand, leading me out of the room in a gentle manner.

Cody walked behind us, through the lit halls. Lights? I thought i'd never see those again.

He led me down the hall into big open doors. When I got inside I saw a few people eating and talking. They stopped to look at us but thankfully just went back to eating.

"This is where the food is," Olli said spreading his arms out like he's revealing something magical.

"You guys can go sit down, i'll get you some food." Cody said walking away before I could protest.

"This is where I like to sit," Olli said leading me to a round table, like the ones at my once high school's cafeteria.

"Good choice, right by the window," I nodded.

I looked outside, seeing more people working on crops. One tall women paced on a long post watching over the fences that were slowly being covered with bricks. I was excited, i'll admit that. But i'm still keeping my guard up, I still don't know these people.

Cody put a plate of meat, corn, and a side of mango's in front of me, I looked up and smiled then looked back down, digging in.

I must've still been out of it since I forgot to say grace and just stuffed my face.

"It's good." Olli said matter a fact like.

"It is," I nodded shoving more food in my mouth.

When the meat was gone and the corn was to, I started to eat the cantaloupe; saving the best for last. I sighed in satisfaction at the taste of the sweet fruit.I can't remember the last time I had a meal this decent.

"So, how long were you guys out there together?" Cody asked.

"A little over two weeks," I said not taking my eyes off of the delicious cantaloupe.

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