Chapter 1

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Percy's POV:

I'm currently justifying to my friends, Ron and Grover, why all Slytherins can't be bad.

"Plus, their ambition is such a good trait." I explain.

My friends keep thinking that all Slytherins are bad. I feel like there's got to be at least ONE Slytherin out there who is actually good.

"Look!" I point at the Slytherin table.

"Doesn't someone there just seems like a good person?" I ask them.

A girl suddenly catches my attention. She has long blonde curly hair, and stormy gray eyes. Those eyes... they seem like you would get paralyzed if you stare at them for too long. I was busy looking at the girl when I was interrupted by Grover.

"Percy? Percy! What were you looking at?" asked Grover.

"W-who is that?" I asked. I pointed at the girl.

"That's Annabeth Chase, Percy. The smartest girl in the whole school. Too bad She's a Slytherin." said Ron.

"She can't beat Hermione in the smartest girl in the world title though." I said

Annabeth was clearly focused on her book. I was barely able to get a peek of what she was reading when-

"I doubt that. I bet she's even better than all three of you combined!" says a familiar voice.

Ugh. Malfoy. He's always just got to be in someone's business.

"You Potter fanboys are insufferable." said Malfoy.

"Shut up Malfoy, " I state.

For some reason, I couldn't get Annabeth out of my head. She is so beautiful. Would she even like me?

"Annabeth is mine. She's the second best Slytherin, with me being first, of course. Good luck getting her attention!" Draco claims.

"And who gave you the right to choose who Annabeth dates? You'll be surprised, I might date her just because of one of your comments. Just to get on your nerves." I argue.

"Chill, Percy, Draco's always like that." Ron whispers.

"I know, I know. Why do Slytherins have to be so annoying?" I ask.

I started to recall when we were all sorted last year, and how Ron, Grover, and I ended up in Gryffindor.

I was so surprised to see that Grover got into Gryffindor instead of Hufflepuff at first, but I tried not to think about it and just decided to be grateful.

Then I remembered when Annabeth stepped up to get sorted, and how she was a mix of all four houses, but she got put in Slytherin.

There has been a rumor that spread saying that Annabeth got placed in Slytherin because her mom was in that house.

To be honest, I kinda feel bad for her.

"Welcome, welcome, to another year at Hogwarts! Now, I'd like to say a few words before we begin our excellent feast. First, I'm pleased to welcome Professor Chiron, who's kindly taken up the offer to be our new Defense against the Dark Arts teacher! Good luck!" reveals Dumbledore.

Everyone started clapping. The applause was so big that Chiron decided to take a bow.

The house elves came out with multiple trolleys, giving us all food. When one of the elves came by us, it handed me a platter, and I was in awe. My food was amazing. Grilled hotdogs with ketchup on the top, and my favorite, blue cookies on the side. It reminded me so much of my mother, Sally, because she used to always cook me blue food."Oh my gods this is amazing... it's delicious!" I exclaimed.

I gobbled up my food, and I noticed that everyone else did the same. We then walked to the common rooms.

I noticed Annabeth walking to the library, and I wanted to follow her, but I just couldn't. I didn't want to seem creepy or anything, so I just walked to the Gryffindor common room.

It was full of red squishy, bouncy, comfortable armchairs, wood tables, and a scarlet red and gold striped bulletin board where school notices, ads, and lost posters would be hung up.

I sat down next to Grover and Ron, and we began to talk.

"Hey, Percy, you know that girl Annabeth Chase? I think I'm crushing hard on her," said Ron.

"Wait, what? You do? I thought you liked Hermione!" I questioned.

"Just messing with you Percy," said Ron.

"Oh, okay. *Yawns* I think I'm going to bed guys. See you tomorrow!" I stated.

I just couldn't get her out of my head... she's so beautiful, and she seems so smart. Would she even notice me? And if she did, would she even like me?

I then decided to sleep on it.

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