A Dragon's Story.

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Beacon library

Inside of Beacon academy's library team JNPR were sat studying together, team RWBY was playing Remnant: the game whilst Akira and Noaki watched on in awe. Whilst Void and Izanami were off in their own corner.

Void sat next to Izanami and began cleaning his pocket Knife, he peeked over to see her completely engrossed with the book in her hand. "What ya reading there nerd?" He jokingly said.

"Oh this? It's the new issue of MoonLight this is the issue where the warrior of light finally confirms his feelings for Fima!" She said smiling happily.

"That's it?" Void asked flipping his knife over and cleaning the other side "that's it? That's it?! What do you mean?!" She questioned glaring at him.

"Well what's so special about confessing a basic human emotions like love?" Void nonchalantly questioned, when he didn't get a response straight away he paused and looked at her.

Izanami started him a faint blush on her face before taking a deep breath "the warrior is one of the most pure hearted people in the series but he's willing to break his one rule for Fima which is to keep a distance from humanity so he can upkeep his duty as the pillar of peace! In turn he's preforming one of the most heroic acts of love! How can you not like him for that heroism?"

Void stared at her for a minute before returning to his task "so you like him cause he's a hero?"  Izanami was about to speak but was cut off as Void raised his knife to her face and stared down its spine "let me tell you something about "heroes" they will sacrifices you for what they deem is a greater good..." he then jammed his blade into the table and leaned forward gently grabbing her chin.

"You know why people called me a monster or villain? I have no such compulsion, I'd much rather burn this world than even consider the thought" he said lowering his tone before whispering into her ear "to me the others and especially you are way more important than being some  pillar of peace, Princess."

And with that he stood up and took his knife and walked away whistling leaving Izanami sat there blushing profusely "W-wait what do you mean especially me?!" She questioned as he walked away

But he didn't answer leaving her with her thoughts "am I in love with a 'villain'?!" She muttered. "Huh?" Akira questioned having moved over to Nami and leaning down next to her "N-nothing!" She said fumbling with her book.

Akira recognising the shaky tone of her friend and the fact Void had just left smirked
"Namiiii" Akira said in a sing song manner "y-yes?" Izanami responded peeking over her book at her blind friend "do you like our captainnnn?" Akira quietly asked causing Izanami to blush a deep red and slam her book closed "S-shushhhh!"

Noaki look back at the girls then to Void who joined him in watching team RWBY's game "what's that about?" Noaki asked causing Void to shrug and smirk "No idea"

Team VAIN dorm

Void stared at his scroll as he read the message he received from Abby "Daunter is in beacon..."

He looked up at his team and cleared his throat "team... we need to talk" Void said gaining the attention of the others "what's up captain?" Akira questioned "I've not been entirely honest with all of you. So I think it's for the best I finally say this."

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