"Yes, you do possess a very limited amount of brain cells."

"Okay, ouch."

Obi-Wan turned to see Zoe still lying on the sofa, her hazel eyes open and fixed on Talia and Theo. Her hair was unruly, her eyes slightly baggy, but there was a smirk upon her lips.

"How much of this did you hear?" he asked.


"My muscles hurt." Anakin whined out of nowhere. Talia tipped back her whiskey and left the room. 

"What muscles?" Zoe asked, confused. Anakin glared at her.

Obi-Wan got up to go after Talia, but was stopped by a hand wrapping around his wrist.

"I wouldn't, if I were you." He turned to see Theo standing there, watching him. Theo nodded towards where Talia had been a moment before. "It's been a stressful day for her."

"You said you don't mind us here." Anakin pointed out. Theo sighed, running a hand through his hair as he struggled to find the right words.

"Of course, we don't mind," Zoe interjected then. "But Talia...she distrusts Jedi. No one...no one saved her when she needed it most." Obi-Wan's heart sunk at her words, guilt and shame hitting him with the brute force of a Krayt Dragon.

"She's the most selfish and selfless person I've ever met." Theo agreed. Anakin snorted. Zoe flicked him on the arm. Hard.

"Ow!" Anakin rubbed his arm, sending her an offended glare.

"Don't forget whose house this is, please." Zoe warned him, unfazed by his rather dramatic outburst.

Obi-Wan looked tired.

"Anakin, please don't aggravate our hosts with your insolence."

"This is outrageous. I thought you would never betray me."

"Anakin, do you want Senator Amidala saved or not? You're being hostile unnecessarily."

"We were literally just told Talia distrusts Jedi!" Anakin protested.

"You can't judge her for being distrustful, it's been a tough time in the galaxy," Obi-Wan sighed heavily. "Especially with this council."

"Remember, I'm the only one who works closely with the Republic. Not Talia or Theo," Zoe spoke up. "So please be patient with us. I apologise for the slow start, but I can't apologise for watching our back."

"Malimo isn't going to move for a while anyway," Theo concurred. "For your information, before we met, I decided to fake communications between The Council of Darkness and Malimo. He won't be going anywhere." Anakin's face of irritation melted slightly, but he still seemed a little annoyed, though it was more directed at Obi-Wan.

"Favouritism. She's not even a Jedi."

"Well, Anakin, she's showing patience and grace considering you spooked her so badly. You shouldn't dwell on it, the lovely lady here patched you up, anyway."

Before anyone else could speak, Talia chose that moment to poke her head round the door.

"Zoe, where did you put the headache tablets again?"

"Oh, sorry, they're just under these." Zoe used the Force to lift a giant stack of tablets, which Talia took from her as if it were an everyday occurrence.


"You're welcome."

"Is dinner ready, or are you still fussing?" Theo asked her drily.

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