"Thank you." I said getting out.

We walked quietly to the side of the house and walked around, tiptoeing up the front steps.

"There's a few drops of blood here." Brandon whispered and pointed with his boots.

There's blood everywhere nowadays, am I right or am I right?

I peaked into the broken window and could see down a small hallway into what looks like a living room; a little boy was sitting on the floor.

I pointed to tell them to look and when they did they were just as surprised as I was.

Brandon looked around in thought, "Maybe we should just knock?" he whispered. Molly and I both shrugged so he knocked twice on the door. We heard shuffling in the house,

"We ain't here to hurt ya, we just wanna see if y'all are alright." Molly said to the door.

The door opened abruptly and a little boy pointed a gun in our direction so we put our weapons down and put our hands up, "My mommy said I can only trust Echo."

"What's your name?" Brandon asked. The little boy only raised the gun higher, making us back up a few steps.

"Who's Echo?" I asked him.

"My friend," tears welled up in his eyes but he wiped them and continued to point the gun at us fiercely. LA gangster style.

"Where is she?"

"Stay away from her!" he snapped.

"My daddy's a sheriff, we live at the police department." Molly said.

"Is she hurt?" I asked quietly and calmly. He looked down from our eyes, "We can help her, we have a doctor. His name is Marty, he's very nice."

"Oh yeah, helped me when I stepped into that fire," Brandon scoffed at his stupidity, but from the looks of it, it helped the kid calm down.

"You really have a doctor and..a sheriff?" We all reluctantly nodded not wanting to risk losing the progress we've made, "You can keep us safe?"

"Absolutely," I said assuringly. He rested the gun at his side and stepped to the side watching us skeptically. We walked in slowly leaving our guns by the door.

I made my way toward the living room and saw a girl sleeping on the sofa. Her tanned skin was covered in dry blood, cuts, and bruises.  She looked like she had gotten in a nasty fight and her black hair was almost stained red.

"She won't wake up, is she okay?" he asked behind us.

I walked to her and felt her pulse which was a little slow but not enough to worry, "She's okay, just unconscious, I'm guessing from losing a lot of blood. Did she get shot? Show me where."

It was honestly hard to tell where, because of all the blood on her. I'm pretty sure not all of it is hers either.

Olli pointed to her stomach where her hand was covering. Then, he pointed at her leg where medical tape was visible.

"The one on her tummy, happened yesterday...she was protecting me," he said sadly.

"She's gonna be okay, we'll get her to the doctor." Molly reassured.

"I'll get the truck closer," Brandon said walking out the door.

I lifted her shirt slightly to look at the wound but it was taped. I did however see her bruised ribs, I looked at Molly and she nodded in a 'I see it' way.

"Are you hurt at all?" I asked him.

"No i'm okay," he said, putting a teddy bear and the gun in a backpack.

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