"Yeah I'm fine," I choked out.


"I'm fine."

"Are you sure, I can try and get a flight over if I need to. Are you sure you're fine?"

"Yeah, no, I don't know." I groaned sitting on the stone steps leading up to the hotel.

"I'll get the next flight over."

"No don't worry, you don't need to come over." I took a deep breath closing my eyes for a second and neither of us said anything. "I love you, I'm going to have to go."

"Kenzie baby don't go, tell me what's wrong?" He pleaded.

"It's fine, I'll text you later. I love you." I hung up and let my head fall to my knees and I just sat there not even moving a muscle. I felt somebody sit beside me not even ten seconds later and they wrapped a jacket around my shoulders. I looked up to see Mikey smiling at me weakly, he had heard all of that. "How much did you hear?" I asked cautiously, not sure if I actually wanted to know.

"Enough to know what's going on." He sighed wrapping an arm around me and pulling me into his chest. "Everything's going to be fine." He comforted me as I cuddled into his chest.

"I slept with Blake." I admitted quietly and I felt him nod.

"I know Kenzie, it's all right don't worry." He cooed gently trying to reassure me.

"I don't think we used protection Mikey, I fucked up." My thoughts began running wild and I felt like I was going to either throw up or pass out, neither of which I wanted. Don't think it, don't feel it I reminded myself as I took a deep breath calming myself down and letting my mind go blank.

"Come on let's go back to bed for an hour and talk about it properly once you've had some more rest, it's only six in the morning and you're probably still tired." He reasoned and I stood on shaky legs letting him lead me back inside and up to our rooms. I walked with him into his and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

I was woken when I felt somebody shaking my shoulder but I just rolled onto my front bury my face into the pillow when I felt somebody straddle my back making me groan inwardly. I just want to sleep. "What?" I mumbled.

"Time to get up." Ashton's voice rang through my ears and I turned around to see his dimpled smile staring right at me as he now straddle my stomach.

"Where's Mikey?" This was Michaels room so why wasn't he the one waking me?

"He went to go get some breakfast for us all, want to come and join us?"


"Yeah the boys are sat in the living room with Bret and Brandon and Mikey's on his way up now."

"Okay, I'll be through in a minute." He nodded before walking out and leaving me. I stretched my body out before I grudgingly pulled myself up and out of bed letting my feet carry me over to Mikey's closet where I had been keeping some of my own clothes. I pulled out some sweats and my you complete MEss top I stole from Luke before getting ready and joining them in the living just as Michael walked in. He smiled at me weakly as we both took our seats in the circle on the floor as we figured out which food belonged to who. "You need to eat something Kenzie." Bret sighed at me as I stared at my burger, well it was more like glaring.

What the fuck am I doing?

I'm glaring at an inanimate object.

"Not hungry, who wants it?" I sighed pushing my food into the middle of the circle for somebody else to eat as I got up pulling my trainers on. "I'm heading out for a run." I got a few small nods in acknowledgement before I left surprised Bret didn't follow me but Mikey probably had something to do with that since he knew I needed some time to be alone. Instead of taking the elevator I chose to take the stairs, which was my first mistake. My second mistake was choosing to text while walking down the stairs. My third mistake was not paying attention to what I was doing and tripping over my own foot sending me flying head first down the stairs. Thankfully I was near the bottom so I only fell about thirteen stairs landing heavily on my arm and hitting my shoulder off a wall. Looks like I'm not going for a run after all.

Luke Hemmings - RoommatesWhere stories live. Discover now