4: Intros and Tacos

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My first day at Colton Prep was a bright and sunny Tuesday. I woke up early enough that morning and, oddly, I'd felt like it was going to be a great day.

I hopped out of bed happily and made my way to the bathroom, not bothering to check the time. My gut told me I was early and I always trust my gut.


I took my time in the shower, letting my skin appreciate the coolness of the water. After that, I dried my hair and curled it, letting it fall around my face and down my back, stopping just at the middle. I applied a little mascara and fruity lipgloss —which I would probably lick off soon— right before I put on my uniform.

The Colton Prep uniform consisted of a dark green blazer, white button down shirt and a brown, flay skirt for girls. The boys wore the same thing, only with trousers instead of skirts. The uniform also includes a brown tie and a dark green vest, but I didn't think any of those were compulsory.

They are.

The school said to wear flats or loafers, but I decided to wear a pair of white boots and instead of a regular backpack, I grabbed my signature brown and white tote bag and headed out.

Marcus and mum had gone to the school last week for his interview and also to get our uniforms, but of course they didn't think it was important to tell me, their reason being that I left the house angrily when I found out about changing schools that morning.

After I'd told Marcus to stay away from me at school, he agreed quickly, and convinced me to start school a day after him. That way, it'll be harder for people to put the pieces together. So, while Marcus had started school on Monday, I started on Tuesday, exactly as we'd planned it.

I skipped my way to my car, only stopping to grab an apple. I drove to the estate cafe and bought a mocha latte and a brownie. Jokes on you if you thought I was having an apple for breakfast.

I checked the time finally and I was two minutes late. How perfect.

I took my time driving while eating and when I got there, I parked my car in the students parking lot.

The school grounds were empty, save for the few part time teachers arriving or leaving.
I walked to the administration building to collect my schedule, locker combination and...a set of keys for my dorm?

It didn't occur to me until I got there that the school is a boarding school, another thing Marcus failed to inform me of.
The lady at the desk was young and modern. She seemed like a mean girl but, boy, was I wrong.

"Excuse me, Miss", I said to get her attention. She stopped typing away on her keyboard and glanced at me.

"Hello, is there anything else I can help you with?" She replied calmly.

"Uhm, this might sound weird, but I really don't think I'm supposed to be living in the dorms, can you please check again?" I pleaded with the sweetest voice I could muster.

"Sure", she said simply and sighed.
She tapped a few keys on the keyboard with a slight frown on her face, in concentration.

"Here we go", she said as she turned the screen to face me, "Valentine Whittaker, you're in dorm room 107 with Audrey Watson".

"Well, I wasn't aware that I was supposed to be living here, I didn't bring any clothes", I muttered, more to myself.

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