3: Can I call you Valerie?

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I approached the exit —which, unfortunately, is also the entrance— with caution, hiding my face with my hair while looking down at the floor.

Marcus's friends were coming in and I was going out, for sure, I was bound to bump into them. I was already halfway there when I saw them, so there was no way I could turn back. As I got closer to them, I prayed to God that they wouldn't remember me. And my prayer was almost answered.


As soon as I walked past them —or maybe they walked past me— and got to the door, I let out a breath that I didn't realize I was holding. I looked back at them with a victory smirk, too bad they couldn't see it. I pushed open the door without even looking and when I stepped through it, finally looking forward, I bumped into someone.


Just my luck.

I almost fell on my ass but thankfully, the stranger reached out to steady me.

"Hey, watch where you're going", the person said, annoyed.

"Oh, sorry, I wasn't looking", I said as I looked up at the person.

"Yeah, no shit, Sherlock", he muttered.

I wanted to say something back. I already knew what to say, something very rude. But I couldn't.

This stranger wasn't a stranger at all.

This stranger was Marcus's teammate.

He was probably with the I group I tried so hard to avoid.

I stood there gawking at him, like a deer caught in the headlights.

And then he squinted at me.

I really need to get out of here. I thought to myself.

I looked back at his group of friends that I'd managed to avoid and I saw that they were watching the entire encounter.

I turned away sharply just as one of them said,

"Hey! Isn't that Cupid's little sister?"

What? Little sister?

I turned to them and smiled sheepishly.

"Thats his twin, idiot", another boy said, right before he smacked the previous boy at the back of his head.

"Where's your brother?", another person asked,

It was the boy I bumped into, how did he get there without me noticing?

"I think he's at home", I replied awkwardly while brushing my brown hair away from my face. No use looking like an old witch now.

"You think?" One of them snorted.

There were five boys in total, including the kid I bumped into.

Five boys who's names I didn't know, but that's okay because they don't know mine either.

"I'm gonna go", I said while pointing to the door behind me,

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