Abhi- Aru what happened.

Aru- Abhi my face is burning. aaa.aaa.

Abhi- Aru come we will wash the face.

Abhi takes Aru to washroom. He cleans her face wit water and soap. Aru keeps on shouting with pain.

Abhi comes out and sees Ice cubes on the table .He fetch them and keep ice on Aru face to cool down burning sensation.

Aru feels relaxed for sometime. She thanks Abhi.

Abhi apply ice on her neck. Aru feel awkward with his touch. He looks at him. both had a eye lock.

Aru avoids looking at his eyes. Abhi slowly apply ice on her neck. 

Beautician comes and sees both of them. Abhi and Aru sees her and gets back to normal. Abhi was about to get up when the ice slips his hand and drops in Aru dress.

Aru- Aru shrieks.. AAAAAAAAAA. Abhi what have you done.

Abhi-oh sorry sorry. It was my mistake. let me remove it.

Aru- WHAT??

Abhi - sorry sorry. you remove it fastly.

Aru- Get outttt.

Abhi leaves room saying sorry sorry.

Beautician smiles seeing there fight.

Beautician- what happened maam. why you removed facial.

Aru- It was burning for me.

Beautician- oh god. sorry maam.I forgot to do test on hand first.

Aru- Its fine. just do my  hair now.

Both Abhi and Aru got ready.


All guests started to arrive. Goenkas along with Akshu and Abhinav comes.

Birlas and Goenkas greet each other.

Akshu- Manji ma , oh where is Aru room I want to surprise her.

Manji ma- sure beta. just go to first floor. It is second room towards right.

Akshu - ok ma thank you.

Akshu was going towards Aru room when she meets Abhi in between

Both Akshu and Abhi stood silently.

Abhi- Hi Akshu, how are you.

Akshu- I am good. how are you Abhi.

Abhi- I am fine.

both fell silent again. both are lost at words.

Akshu- ok then. I want to meet Aru. I will go.

Abhi- Akshu one sec. I am sorry.

AKshu- Why sorry.

Abhi- Its nothing. no its something. I dont know what to say. First I say I loved you. to get to you I did lot of things but at end I ..

Akshu- leave it Abhi. It was bound to happen this way. what can we do and what is the point of accusing each other that is already done.

And you no need to worry. I got worlds best husband Abhinav and a happy family. I didnt sacrificed  anything.

Abhi-Thank you Akshu.

Both hug each other.

Aru comes and sees it.

Akshu- just want to ask one thing. you still love me right? 

Abhi looks at Akshu shocked. Aru leaves from there without listening complete story.

Akshu laughs. Abhi you should see your face. how scared you were. I was just joking. Abhi laughs.

Akshu- ok. I will meet you in party.

she goes towards Aru room.

Aru came inside and thinks of Akshu asking Abhi about his love. she closes her eyes. She thinks Akshu sacrificed her love for me and Abhi married me for revenge. I came in between.

She breathes deeply.

Akshu comes and hugs Aru from back.

Akshu- surprise.

Aru- yes, big surprise.

Akshu- what happened Aru. I am trying to call you message you but you dont even rely back.

Aru- nothing Akshu, ow Manji ma health was not good. so .but now everthing is good.

Akshu- ok. let me look at you. wow you look like a princess. If Abhi sees he will be flattered.she laughs

ok come we will go down.

Akshu brings Aru downstairs.

Abhi looks at Aru and gets stunned. she is looking extremely beautiful. He smiles inwardly thinking how he will propose to her today.

Aru sees goenkas and gets emotional. she goes towards them and hug each of them. she talk with them for sometime and goes on stage.

Aru feels nervous seeing lot of new people. Abhi sees this and hold her hand. Aru looks at Abhi and there hands.

All guest come one by one to congratulate the couple.

The host of the party comes to stage and says.. Now its the time to party and fun.

He makes all to participate in lot of games.

Abhi and Aru play compatibility game.

Aru answers correctly to all questions .

Manji ma feels happy that Aru knows Abhi well.

Now its time Abhi to play.

Abhi gives most of the answers wrongly.

Aru wins the game but she looks Abhi sadly. She recalls how he won the same game when he played with Akshu during there Roka .Abhi also feels bad for not knowing anything of Aru interest or her likes and dislikes. both looks on at each other.

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