incorrect quotes but it may be overly long or rlly short

Start from the beginning

jimmy: How did you break your leg?

wolf: Do you see those porch stairs?

jimmy: Yes.

wolf: I didn't. 


wolf: I don't know the first thing about clothes. Pretty much all I can do is look at something and tell you if it's clothes or not. This chair? Not clothes. 


wolf: Sleep is the body's best safety mechanism.

jimmy: How so?

wolf: It keeps you from screwing up for 8 hours. 


jimmy: wolf, you're my best friend.

wolf: Best friend? BEST friend?! Bitch, I'm your only friend.



grape, making coffee: This is going to fix everything. 


jimmy: How would you like your coffee?

wolf: As dark and as bitter as my soul.

jimmy, shouting to someone behind the counter: I need one vanilla latte with extra cream and sugar! 


wolf: Don't weep for the stupid. You'll be crying all day. 


jimmy: When surrendering, wolf is to hand the sword over HILT first. 


wolf: Of course I have a lot of pent-up rage, you fool! I've been the same height since I was twelve! 


wolf: Sweet dog you got there.

Police: Yes, this is our new drug sniffing dog.

wolf: Still training huh?

Police: What do you mean?


wolf: Never mind. 


jimmy: wolf! For the love of god, please turn down that music. I have a hangover.

wolf: *blasting the mii theme at full volume* That sounds like a you problem, not a mii problem. 


wolf: Underestimate me. That'll be fun. 


wolf: Did you like the food I made?

jimmy: No, not really.

wolf: But I put my heart and soul into it!

jimmy: No wonder it tastes so cold and dead. 


jimmy: Why aren't you sleeping?

wolf: I'm too busy plotting your murder to sleep, jimmy.


wolf: ...The nightmares.

jimmy: *wrapping their arms around wolf* Awwww, sweetie- 


wolf, writing in their diary with a glitter gel pen: I'm losing my sense of humanity. Nothing matters. God is dead. There's blood on my hands. 


wolf: I don't think the therapist is supposed to say 'wow' that many times during their first session with a client, but here we are. 


jimmy: Yeah, well I've never died so how do I know that god is real. 

wolf: Yeah, well I have died so I do know that god is real and its me.


jimmy: I don't know, it's not my cup of tea.

wolf: Well then whose is it?

jimmy, staring at a cup of tea: I don't know! 


wolf, turning to jimmy: Stop calling yourself hot, the only thing you can turn on is the microwave. 


wolf: I like to play this game called nap roulette. I take a nap and don't set an alarm. Will it be 20 min or 4 hours? Nobody knows. It's risky and I like it. 


jimmy: Here's two facts about me.

jimmy: 1. I hate hot people.

jimmy: 2. I'm a hypocrite. 


wolf dying in every single incorrect quotes like bro dokja has competition

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