Chapter 4: The Stories of Sodor's Past

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"It's a pleasure to meet you both," Sir Topham Hatt nodded, trying to walk around the desk, but flinched when he wobbled a little, his muscles still numb. Stephanie went over to him and gently helped him up from leaning against the desk.

"Are you okay, sir?" Stephanie asked, helping him stand upright and showing impressive strength towards Sir Topham Hatt, but he did not mention it.

"I'm fine." Sir Topham Hatt nodded, moving away from the desk but not leaning too much towards Stephanie in worry of accidentally hurting her. "I felt a little numb, that's all."

"I think it would be best to sit and wait for your muscles to un-numb for the moment," Stephanie suggested. Sir Topham Hatt nodded after Stephanie suggested it and sat back down in the chair as Stephanie sat across from him at his desk.

After sitting down, Notches hopped onto Stephanie's lap, startling her a little when he, before keeping still, gingerly climbed onto her shoulders, getting underneath her long hair to curl around her neck and laid down, purring as he laid down.

"Let's begin with what I know about Sodor so far," said Sir Topham Hatt, adjusting his hat slightly. "But it will be enough for you to help with your confusion, Stephanie."

Stephanie nodded in response as she listened carefully to Sir Topham Hatt's words, telling her about his experiences from learning about the past, the present, and the future of what is yet to come

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Stephanie nodded in response as she listened carefully to Sir Topham Hatt's words, telling her about his experiences from learning about the past, the present, and the future of what is yet to come.


The Island of Sodor is a magical island created by Lady the Golden Engine, who possessed a magical dust called Gold Dust. She created the island for many steam engines and humans to live harmoniously. Lady was one of the many protectors of Sodor who guarded the island against many dangers and was called a 'goddess' by many.

There were others like Lady, but most had fallen over time or after many battles against these mysterious monsters called 'Nightmares' that roamed Sodor, causing destruction and chaos. Lady was the only one behind as the main protector and giver of Gold Dust, as she locked the Nightmares away as the others fell during the Great Battle.

She went between the human realm and the island of Sodor to keep guard, even to make sure anyone could go through safely, but she would not let anyone who would do more harm pass through the barrier.

As time passed, there were many changes throughout history, but several stuck out to many people, including one human named 'Dinah' from the human realm. Dinah befriended one of the engines from Sodor and soon decided to stay in Sodor with Wendell, the Silly Engine, the steam locomotive she befriended.

She was known for her vast knowledge and curiosity through the written diaries she left behind about Sodor's whistles and the use of Lady's Gold Dust, finding more than just whistles that transported you from Sodor to the human realm.

Dinah learned so many things from Sodor and soon settled down, meeting a young man named 'Ethan Topham,' Sir Topham Hatt's great-great-grandfather. Dinah soon grew old after marrying Ethan and died of old age, causing Wendell to grieve her death, but he went mad after Ethan passed.

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