 | " I should be dead. " | Vance Hopper x F!reader | 

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Warning : mentions of abuse , suicidal behavior, strong language , and upsetting topics.


I was waiting for Vance in his room. So basically I kinda snuck in and he doesn't know I'm here yet. I could hear yelling downstairs which wasn't good at all. I heard glass shattering and a few more words being said. " GOD DAMN IT VANCE , YOUR GOOD FOR NOTHING! YOU REALLY SHOULD BE DEAD! " my heart sank. Not even two minutes later , Vance came in the room.

" Vance... " I spoke up. He looked at me , tears streaming down his cheeks. " I should be dead.. I really should be.. " tears started to fall down my face and I was shaking my head no. " I mean... Gwen can do things , and Finn can draw.. and.. and.. Robin can make things. I just do nothing!I can't do anything! " , " Yes you can.. " , " No I can't! No I can't! " I pulled Vance into a tight hug , putting his head into the corner of my neck " Shhh , it's ok.. I'm right here , everything's gonna be okay... " I gently rubbed Vance's back in a sense of comfort. " You can do all sorts of amazing things. The way your not scared to put people in their place, or say what needs to be said , the way your so good at pinball , the way you make me feel so special. Your good at those things. You shouldn't be dead , V. If I hear those words come out of your mouth I will die. " I said , wrapping my arms around his head and back. " Your ok.. your safe now.. " I could feel Vance sobbing into my chest , leaving my heart sore.

" It's okay... " i sooth , trying to get him to calm down a bit. Vance was laying on top of me still crying. My heart was basically shattered, Vance has never cried infront of me before , I don't think infront of anyone for that matter. After a while I heard Vance's soft snores which confirmed that he was asleep. I wanted to yell at Vance's father but that would make him angry at Vance and I didn't want that. " I love you , V.. " I smile , kissing his forehead. " I love you.. " he mumbled before actually falling asleep again.

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