꧁XI : They accidentally hit you꧂

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They accidentally hit you

Finney Blake -

You haven't seen Finney since before lunch so you felt as if you were ' being tortured ' by being away from his for so long. Finneys back was turned away from from you see he didn't see you. You decided to run up to Finney and hug him from behind.

Your POV:

I ran towards Finney , giving him a hug once I got in contact with him. Soon enough I felt something strike my eye " Ouch! " I whined , covering my eye gently. " OH MY GOD , BABE I AM SO SORRY I THOUGHT YOU ONE OF THOSE ASSHOLES! " Finney began to tear up because he knew that he just hurt me by accident ." Why are you crying!? I'm fine! "  I laugh , pulling him in again for a hug. " Because I hit you! Why wouldn't I cry about that!? " he sniffled. " You're so cute. " I laughed  , kissing his forehead. " it's not funny. " he sounded angry but he was still teary eyed. " ok , how about we go to mine and cuddle , yeah? " , " YES " he perked up , making me laugh.

Robin Arellano -

You were standing by your locker which was right next to moose's , so Robin tried to throw something at him.

Your POV:

I grabbed my book out of my locker and was about to ever so simply close it when I felt something hard smack the back of my head " God damnit! " I turned around trying to see who did that. Robins hand was covering his mouth as he practically ran over to me. " The hell was that for? " I asked him. " I'm so sorry princessa , I meant to hit Moose. "  Robin says , gently wrapping his hands around my waist. " It's alright.  I laughed a bit but that didn't excuse the terrible ass pain in the back of my head. " I'm gonna kick your ass later because of how hard you hit my damn head. " , " I deserve that. " he gently kissed me , holding it for  a second before someone interrupted. " Gross , dude. I get she's your girlfriend but right infront of me? Not to mention that's my sister. " Finney jokes , making Robin laugh and me flustered.

Bruce Yamada -

You and Amy were walking outside when you get him in the head pretty damn hard with something.

Your POV:

Me and Amy we're walking on the sidewalk just talking about random stuff. Sure she was like two grades younger than me but she was still fun to hang out with. " Watch out! " she sus , ducking her head leaving me confused. In a moment I feel a sharp pain in my head " God damnit that hurt like a bitch! " I yelled , rubbing the back of my head. " Oh my God I'm so sorry! " Bruce says before pulling me into a hug and squeezing me. " Are you alright! I did not mean to do that! Is your head ok!? Do you need ice!? " he panicked, sounding like he was going to burst into tears at any second. " Bruce , in fine! " I tried to brush it off but he wouldn't take his head out of the crook of my neck. " I'm gonna go get you some ice. " Amy spoke up , gently smiling at me , he's turning to her brother. I looked down to see that the poor boy was crying , he didn't mean to hurt his charm. " Bruce , why are you crying? " I asked , gently rubbing his back. " Because I hurt my charm. " the poor boy continued to cry for a good 10 minutes before we went inside where he was just lying on my chest to continue crying. " Bruce , please stop crying. "I tried to soothed him and it kinda worked. " I'm so so so so so so so so so sorry... " he said for like the millionth time. " Bruce , that's the fiftieth time you've said that in the past minute and a half.  You laughed , gently kissing his head. " Are you okay now? " I asked again. " Yeah. Im sorry.. " , " Don't be sorry , it was an accident , accidents happen. " I soothed one last time before Bruce was finally done crying.

Vance Hopper -

This boy was mad at some shit like always.

Your POV:

Me and Vance were hanging out in my room and he was mad about something but wouldn't tell me what is was so I kept pestering him about it. " What's wrongggggg? " i asked for the billionth time. " I said , Nothing. " he was getting more annoyed by the second. My tone got soft , letting this be the last time I asked the silly question. " What's wro- " Vance harshly slapped his hand over my mouth , causing me to flinch back at how random that was of Vance. Not gonna lie , that did hurt. Tears began to threaten to spill but I don't think Vance noticed. Eventually Vance brought his hand from off my mouth to reveal a red mark. I remained quite as he talked. I brought my knees up to my chest and hid the red mark with my knees. I began to even wonder if Vance noticed if he actually hurt me or not so I just stayed quite. " Why are you being so quite? " Vance asked. That made the tears pour out of my eyes , leaving Vance confused and panicked. " Woah , Woah , Woah , what happened , tell me what happened. Why are you are you cryi-... Oh shit.. " I guess Vance realized that me hit me due to his reaction. " Holy shit , I did that to you...
" Vance was staring at the hand print over my mouth. Vance carefully picked me up and layed me on his chest , allowing me to cry. " I seem like a crybaby now , don't I? " I whispered. " No. I shouldn't have ever hit you. I dont think I realized what I did. I guess it was just because I normally do that to other kids.. " I could hear Vances voice break. I looked up to see him crying aswell. " I love you , asshole. " I said. " I love you more , peach. " he laughed " And let me tell you , if I ever hit you again , accident or not I want you to leave me even if I beg you to stay . "  he kissed my head gently which wasn't like him at all but it was nice. " I'm not doing that. " I whispered and fell asleep.

Billy Showalter -

Billy missed when throwing papers again 🥲

Your POV:

I was outside with my dog , sitting in the porch steps. I feel something hard hit my head in which caused me flinch at how I wasn't expecting it. " OH MY GOD ARE YOU OKAY!? IM SO SORRY BABE! " Billy sounded panicked as hell as he rushed over to me with Rover. " Billy , im alright , don't worry about me it was just a newspaper. " Billy began to sob , the thought of hurting me made him upset. I went inside with Billy , my dog and his and I allowed him to cling onto my chest as he cried in which I obviously gave him comfort.

Let's be honest , there is no actual way Griffin could hurt you and even if he did he would like die right then and there.


Words : 1,192

Long chapterrrrrr because I love you readersssssss. The Vance one is a bit much but oh well , Vance would never hit your or wrongly put his hands on you but that's the only thing I can think of for him right now.

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