꧁IV: They ask you out꧂

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They ask you out

Finney Blake -

Your POV:

I walked over to my locker with Donna , watching as Finney pushed something in through the slits at the top and ran away quickly." What was that about? " I ask Donna , seeing as she saw it to. " Oh , I don't really know. " She said , sounding unsure of what was going on. " Well come on , the notes not gonna read itself! " She practically yells , making me slap my hand over her mouth. We look at each other and practically run over to my locker. ( geez chill out reader 😟I look goofy as crap when I run so- ) I quickly open my locker , grabbing the note carefully making sure it doesn't rip. I slowly read the note making sure it says what I think it says.

Y/n , pelase meet me at the tree
outside at 2:35 ,
there is something important
I need to tell you.

-Finney Blake

My cheeks begin to her up but there's also a terrible feeling in my gut thinking he lol stop being friends with me. I push down my gut feeling practically telling it to shut the hell up.

Time skip

It was 2:30 and the bell rang to dismiss us. I was already packed up and was the first one out the door , Not listening to the teacher tell us the homework. I put my shit in my locker and fast walk into to outside. Once I saw Finney waiting at the tree I called out to him. " Hey , Finney! " , " H-hey , Y/n! " Finney sounded awfully nervous which made me a tad bit worried but I temporarily brushed it off. " So what did you want to talk about?? " I ask him , looking directly at him. " Well I wanted to ask you something... " Finneys words sounded almost like a whisper , but I still got what he said. " What do you need to ask me? " I looked at him , my gut feeling getting worse and worse to the point where I feel like it's strangling me. " Y/n , i-I really like you.. would you maybe want to be my girlfriend? " I was shocked. I stood there for a spilt moment before Finney sighed , sounding like he regretted it dearly. " Oh my god! Finney I would love to be your girlfriend! " you were practically buzzing that's how excited you were , Finney of course noticed and put his hands onto your shoulder. " I love you , Finney. " , " I love you to. " Finney embraced me into a warm , soothing hug. We just stood there for a minute , which actually ended up being the rest of class.

Robin Arellano -

Robins POV:

I was walking down the falls with Finn , not knowing fully what to do. " Just ask her , Robin. I'm like 100% sure she'll say yes. " , " I don't know , Finn.. " I was nervous , which was very odd for me. " Fine I'll do it. " I sighed , my gut was not liking this idea. I walked away from Finn and up towards y/ns locker , where I waited for her to come to. " Oh , Hey , Robin! " She smiled at me , hovering me a fist bump. " Hey can I talk to you? " , " Yeah , what's happening? " she asked , tilting her head to the side a bit , still focused on getting her books . " I was wondering if you would be my girlfriend.. I've liked you for practically forever now and I can't keep it in no longer. " I said , sighing once it finally got off my chest.
" Oh my God. " She said. My heart started to pound , did she not like me? Did she think I was weird now? , shit! " I would love to , Robin! " She practically jumped into my arms , of course I caught her because who would let a princessa fall? " I love you , hermosa. " I said , gently kissing her cheek. " I love you to , mi amor. " she said , looking up and putting our foreheads together.

꧁ The black phone Oneshots/Headcanons꧂Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora