꧁I - How you met꧂

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How you guys met

Finney Blake -

Third person pov :

You and your best friend Amy Yamada , Bruce's sister , we're watching her brother , Bruce Yamada , and some of his teammates practice. You were only here because you and Amy were having a sleepover at her house and decided to watch the boys practice before going to her house. After a bit of sitting there and watching them practice , Bruce finally noticed the two of you sitting and watching them so he and one of his friends came over to say hi. 
Your POV :

" Hey Ams , Y/N , what are y'all doing here? " Bruce asked standing maybe two feet or so away from you and Amy. " Oh we just stopped by before going home. " Amy said , sounding a bit annoyed at the nickname ' Ams ' .
" Oh , ok. Anyways , Amy , Y/N , this is my friend Finn. " Finney shyly waved his hands and a tiny of light pink came up on his cheeks out of embarrassment. " Nice to meet you , Finney. " You stated , Amy nodding in agreement. Finney just stood there and smiled.  " Well we better get back to practice , right Finn? " , " R-right. " The boy began to stutter. Bruce and Finn walked back over to continue practicing while you and Amy got up and left. " Did you see the way he looks at you?! He totally likes you!" Oh sweet Jesus , what did I do to get into this? You thought as Amy began to ramble on about random things. Well , he was kinda cute.. No , no , no! What am I thinking I just met this kid! " Y/n are you listening? " , " Yeah , sorry , zoned out. " , " Yeah thinking about Finn~ " , " Piss off. " you stated jokingly  sending the two of you into a fit of laughter.

Finney Pov : 

" Me and Bruce were walking up to Lacey and this other girl. Not going to lie , she was really pretty. " This is my friend , Finn. " Bruce said , snapping me out of my thoughts. I simply waved , my cheeks heating up out of embarrassment. " Nice to meet you , Finn. " the pretty girl said , I believe Bruce said her name was Y/n, it's a very pretty name if you ask me . " Well , we better get back to practice , right , Finn? " Bruce asked. " Y-yeah. " I stuttered again , I hated my stutter. It always happened when I was nervous. ( so always Finney?? 🤔 ) Me and Bruce went back to what we were doing but I couldn't get her off my mind all day.

Robin Arellano -  

Third Person Pov -

Y/n  was walking along the  sidewalk when her and her brother , Finney , and her sister , Gwen , heard a cheering crowd. Being the curious person Y/n was , she decided to see what the commotion was about.

Y/n Pov :

Me , Finn, and Gwen all walked over to the crowd which was formed around something clearly exciting. Once I got to a spot with a good view , I noticed who it was. It was none other than the Robin Arellano. He was rocking the shit out of this kid named Moose. I only knew about Robin because of both a) he always got into fights , and b) he was best friends with my brother. Gwen began to cheer for Robin to beat his ass which made me laugh. " Gwen , watch your words. " You were no better at cursing most certainly, but you still wanted her to cool it with cursing.  During the fight , you would be seeing Robin constantly looking up at you and smirking. You and Robin only occasionally talked but that was very few countable times. You just shrugged it off but it kept coming back to you.

Robins Pov:

At the moment I was rocking the absolute shit out of Moose. He deserved it tho. I looked up and saw Finney , Gwen , and Y/n. I've never told anyone but I kinda liked Y/n , although we've only talked enough times to count. She was a sweet person in general.  Every time I looked up , I looked right at Y/n and smirked. That is until a teacher came but luckily me and most of the crowd fleed the scene by then.

Bruce Yamada -

Bruces Pov:

I walked into the grab-n'-go , looking around trying to find the drink section because I forgot mine at home. "Robin , what snacks do you want!? " Someone called out. " Twizzlers , please! " Another voice which I assumed was Robins seeing he responded to the other kid. I turned the corner to see a beautiful girl talking to what looks like her brother.  She was asking what to get gesturing between two snacks. " I don't know , this one? " pointing yo a pack of gummy bears. " Eh , alright.  Can you hold this for just a second I'm gonna get a drink , do you want one? " The boy shook his head a yes and just stood there while the girl walked this way.

Your POV:

o I walked towards the drink section grabbing a Dr. Pepper for Robin while I looked for something else. " Hi. " A voice said from beside me. " Oh , hi? " I said , looking over to my side to see none other than Bruce Yamada , ' the schools hot shot. ' I will admit , he was really cute but that's besides the point. " Your , Y/N Arellano , right? " he asked , staring right at me. " Oh , yeah. "I said ,  grabbing a can of  y/f/s. ( your favorite soda )  " I was wondering if you maybe want to hang out sometime. " he asked still looking at me. " oh , yeah , sure! " a smile formed on my lips making ( the already smiling ) Bruce smile even wider than he was. " Here , 3:35 , right after school tomorrow? " he asked and you agreed and gave him your number and walked to the cash register to pay , Robin asking about ten million questions about who that was and what took you so long etc.

Vance Hopper -

Your POV:

I  walked into The Grab n' Go to grab a few drinks when I saw Vance Hopper playing pinball , again. The work knows what would happen if anyone were to simply touch his precious pinball machine.  You walked yo the back getting a few snacks and drinks for you and your friend , Bruce. The two of you were hanging out along with your siblings Finney and Gwen ( I'm uncreative when it comes to siblings 😔) After grabbing the drinks and snacks I hear a voice yell " YOU FUCKED WITH MY GAME " I think we can all guess who yelled. I sighed and turned around while the cashier lady continued to check out my items out I saw Vance beating the absolute hell out of the poor kid and the other kid had a knife which he was about to use in the fight until Vance somehow got it and carved his name into the kids arm. I grabbed some gauze pads and some bandage wrap stuff ( idk what to call it ) and put that on the register as well. I grabbed my bag of stuff , tossing the not as beat up kid the gauze pads and bandage wrap feeling pitty for them. " You should go , the cops are coming already. " I said to Vance before walking out. I was shortly down the road when I realized Vance wasn't at the Grab n' Go anymore after seeing the cops come out empty handed.

Billy Showalter -

Your POV:

ok I walked out onto my patio facing the rode while watching my dog , Molly , bark at random bugs. I moved onto my steps and then I got hit in the head by something. " Ouch! " I groaned , it was a pretty good throw but gonna lie. " O-oh my God I'm so sorry! Are you alright!? " A boy asked " Yeah , I'm fine. " you said standing up and grabbing your dog gently so she doesn't run at the poor boy and his dog. " Again , I'm so sor- OH MY GOD YOUR SOG IS SO CUTE! " He practically screamed , making you laugh. " You can pet her if you want. " The boys eyes were practically glowing and he happily excepted the offer , petting your dog. In return he let you pet his dog Rover. After that the two of you just became good friends.

Griffin Stagg -

Griffins Pov :

i I got to science a bit late today but the teacher still wasn't in there. There was only one open seat and that was next to Y/n Yamada. Everyone knew her name. She was one of the most popular girls in the whole school. She didn't seem like she enjoyed it tho. I sheepishly walked up to her , scared that she was going to judge her. " C-can I sit here?? " , " Huh? Oh , yeah of course! " she smiled , that was a relief. Throughout the lesson I kept looking at her , she was really pretty.

Words - 1,474

Wow , that's a lot of words for the first chapter 🥲 I'm so sorry if your not a female , please change the pronouns while reading if you don't identify as a female!

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