12 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐉𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐲

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It had been quite a few days filled with normalcy and peace

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It had been quite a few days filled with normalcy and peace. Finally, it was the day for Y/n's trip. As she got ready to leave, she excitedly spoke to Akaza.

"I haven't seen her for over three years," She said, smiling softly, "When we were kids, we had a habit of picking the berries from my father's garden and turning them into jams. She was always an amazing chef,"

Akaza, who was by her bed laying on his side simply sat quietly, watching her talk with a tiny smile.

"You know, if you were able to eat human food, you wouldn't be able to resist her pastries," Y/n chuckled fondly, thinking of the time that the two cousins baked and ate so many sweets that they ended up going into food comas concerning both their parents.

"You two seem close," The demon said, watching as she applied some face cream--stopping the urge to get up and caress her face, "Why is it that you were separated for so long then? Don't humans prefer to always be close to their loved ones?"

Y/n paused, her hands freezing in place as she stared at herself in the mirror.

From behind her, Akaza could see her reflection and watched as her eyes dulled slightly as she stared at her neck. This caused him to raise his eyebrow.

She smiled slightly, turning to look at him seemingly back to normal, "I suppose it's because I moved away and we both became so busy with our lives now that we've grown up,"

As she started to take her leave, she wished Akaza goodbye. It was afternoon time and her train would leave in the evening.

She sat in the horse carriage patiently, watching the view from the window change from the villages to more developed towns.

Paying for her carriage as she exited, Y/n started to walk into the train station. Once her train had arrived, she waited for the crowd to dissipate before getting in.

She heard a ruckus behind her as an officer chased down some boys yelling about their weapons but she ignored it. She was technically carrying a weapon as well, but it was hidden in her cloth bag, slung over her shoulder.

Looking at her ticket she sighed, realizing her seat was all the way at the back of the train.

Walking through the carriages, the woman couldn't help but feel exposed as people turned to stare at her.

Without her straw hat, she felt strange and she disliked the spotlight it bought on her. People tend to stare at her and the attention was slightly bothersome. At least with her hat people never gave her a second look.

Upon reaching her carriage, she realized that she would be seated with a group of young demon slayers.

They all seemed strange, wearing different colored haoris. One of them, with bright yellow and orange hair, was crying his eyes out and another was shirtless with a boar's head as a mask.

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