Spin the bottle 2

487 11 8

Y/n's POV

The room overlaps with agreement from everyone, everyone but me. My mouth stayed sealed shut, too afraid of what might escape. My legs press together, attempting to compress the desiring beat.

My mind wraps around itself trying to find a way out of this tragic outcome. Luckily, an idea pops in my head. "ok, but how about this time no dice. We just choose on our own. That way everyone is surprised";that way, I don't have to constantly worry about doing something that'll end in regret, and of course have the opportunity to slap still.

With agreement, George gets the bottle from last time, and places it in the middle of the new formed circle. "Who is spinning first?" My hands stayed put in my lap, almost controlling myself from going first. I couldn't help the pacing of my heart as it pounds throughout my body when Nick decides to go first.

I kept my gaze on my hands fiddling in my lap, but from the corner of my eye I could see the blur of the bottle spinning. Slowly the bottle comes to a stop, leading it to point straight on at George. I look back up as he lets out a chuckle then closes his eyes. Sapnap looks at him with eyes I couldn't fully read. He knew exactly what he was going to do, and it sure wasn't a kiss.

He crouches in front of George, a smirk finding its way on his face, his whole demeanor powered with dominance (A/n: I couldn't think of a better word XP). The smirk playing on his lips, not helping my current situation. I bite down on my lip as I watch the two players, wondering what Sapnap was thinking; what his next move would be. Then without a second thought, he slaps George.

A small gasp leaves my parted lips as I watch Nick stand up afterwards. Anyone could tell he hit him with quite a lot of force from the sounds of it. George flops over holding his face, kinda rocking himself back and forth while mumbling what sounds to be a list of curse words. Turning my attention away from the boy rolling around, I notice the expressions of the rest of my friends. All of which showed some type of amusement. Their suppressed laughs are released when Sapnap sits back down saying "stupid crooked tooth bitch."

With their laughter filling the room, I sigh at their stupidity, but begin to join in when George sits up with this look on his face that you only see five year olds give when offended. My laughter settles the heat that built up just a bit, but unfortunately the game has only just begun.

After many remarks like 'you got him goood' and 'that's one way to start a game' and 'we should play this more often', things settle down. George glares at Sapnap and flicks him off before moving to the center.

A small smile rests on me this time around, because of the now playful atmosphere my bodies relaxed as the bottle spins. I must have forgotten I wasn't just a watcher, but also a player, cause as the bottle slows down landing on me, I freeze. 'What' I think, 'oh my god, oh no. Shit shit shit I'm so screwed, I don't want him to kiss me in front of them, they'll know! I don't know how they'll know but THEY WILL!'

I try to seem as calm as possible when he lands in front of me. Looking him over once I noticed the wrinkles in his clothes from rolling around and the bit of red that colored one side of his face. After making brief eye contact, I close my eyes. His hands placed delicately on my jawline, thumb resting by my mouth. Squeezing my eyes shut, I expect a kiss to come my way. Instead he turns my face away. Soon his breath hits my cheek, I wonder to myself if he's gonna peck me on the cheek. But no. He doesn't. Instead, he licks all the way up the side of my face like an animal! Yep you read that right! He fucking licked me! THAT FUCKING DICK!!

My eyes shoot open and hands go flying to push him away. He snickers to himself as everyone else dies of laughter. Many praises go his way while I'm desperately whipping his saliva off with my shirt. "Ew ew ew ew ew ew eeeeeeeww" I whine out with a fake cry. My disgust only makes them crake up more. The once burning flames between my legs were now extinguished. Making all the tension in my body release, and all worries disappear.

I keep a repulsed face up for partially actual disgust, but mostly for giggles. Until I let it fall as I let the bottle spin free. Looking around I see all their faces focus on the bottle, it makes me wonder if everyone was that interested seconds ago, or just for me. The thought makes my heart ping for a second until I'm pulled back to reality when I look back to the bottle. Seeing who I've landed on causes a sudden rush of heat to spread through my body and onto my face. Worried I might be blushing I take a deep breath while pushing my fingers through my hair to calm down. I just had to do my turn, then I can sit back and relax. Quick and simple. Getting up from my sitting position, I think over the game plan as I crawl a short distance to him.

Once in front of him I look closely at his light blue eyes, leading me to mutter "close your eyes." Doing as told, he closes them and smiles a bit. Grabbing his face with both my hands, adjusting his face away from me, I make contact with his neck. My lips only leave a whisper of touch. It was a simple peck. I wanted so desperately to kiss him properly, but I knew it wouldn't be wise.

I start to move away until his cold ringed hand grasps my wrist. "That's all you got?" A puzzled expression pulls at my face, "huh" I did my turn, now I'm supposed to go back to my spot, what more does he want from me? "That was so pathetic, you can do better than that Y/n" his smile doesn't falter of course, Karl fucking Jacob's just loves to mess with me.

"I- I gave you a kiss on the neck. I did my turn. Why are you pestering me?!" My voice gets higher as I become more flustered and defensive. He chortles before pushing on "oh come on! You did like nothing, this is supposed to be fun rememberrr." Then George joins in "he's right, that really was boring." My jaw hangs in disbelief, I stutter trying to find words but Dream beats me to it, "yeah what happened to that girl from the other night, she was fun." Next Nick joins "come on Y/n,  give our whittle Karl a proper kissy."

"You guys are acting like this is a competition or something!" I try to reason with them but as I face my last hope of sanity, he too has been sucked into their shenanigans. "Well maybe it should be" I stared at him with the betrayal I felt "I hate you so much right now Alex."

I take a deep breath and let my head drop for a second before rising back up with more confidence. Fuck it. Putting my attention back on Karl, I don't let a single thought through as I grab onto the collar of his shirt and press our lips together. Unlike the first time I kissed him nights ago, he responds immediately. With our lips ruffled pressed together, he draws me closer by my waist but I keep us at a good distance with my hand against his chest.

There's a separation between our lips, but only for a moment then going right back, now with his other hand in my hair. I take a deep breath in as the heat rises once again, but this time I didn't want it to set aside. I place a hand on his face as he tries deepening the kiss with his tongue moving across my bottom lip, but I deny him and stop the kiss completely. Once pulled back, I met his eyes that seemed in a daze, he seemed just as pleased as I was. But still, we both wanted more, we all did. With that I declare "maybe this should be a competition..."


Ok ok I know you've all probably been like "it's been a year daddy, I whiwhy miss you-"BUT IM HERE NOW SO SHUT UP.

I'm sowwy, I- I shouldn't yell*insert sad pouting emoji*

Ok enough with the funny face haha's. It's taken me forever to get back to writing and I'm hoping to never take that long again. I mean like seriously man, it's been five months! That's crazy! But you know what's even more crazy? This book having 12.5K reads!! That's insane!!!

I'll be honest this book started out cringy as hell! Like reading it over is hilarious to me, but it's just bad writing and story telling that can be fixed in the future if I really care that much... which I don't.

Anywho, hope you enjoy this chapter, thank all you lovely readers for, well, reading. I love you all so much! I'd give you a big kiss on the mouth if I could! Have a good rest of your day or night. Bye bye bestie! ;)

Feral boys x reader (discontinued)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin