Different view

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Karl's POV

The second George closes the door to Clays room, we all go silent, unsure of what to do now. We wait a few minutes hoping they'd come back soon, suddenly Y/n shouted something to George that I couldn't understand. Everyone looked around at each other with confusion and concern.

All eyes watch her as she storms out of Clays room and into Nicks. Nick stands to go after her but Clay pulls him back. Seconds later George comes out as well. He stands there, just staring at the door she ran into. Nick snaps his head up once George walked back into the living room area.

You could almost see the steam coming out of Nicks ears as he stomps over to George. "What did you do, what happened!?" My eyes widen as he grabs him by his collar, looking ready to punch him square in the face. Luckily Dream broke him off saying "wow wow, let's hear him out. What happened" his tone matched his expression which was simply pissed.

George straighten himself out as he thanked Clay "thanks", Dream reminded him "I'm not on your side yet man, what happened?"

I lean forward wanting to understand what made Y/n upset. "I just wanted her to not stress about my last day and just enjoy it, but, I said something dumb. I- I brought up her sister-" I look at Nicks bedroom door, almost praying she'd walk out so I could give her a big hug. I think Nick had the same idea as he shot up from his seat however Clay held him back again. "Look I'm gonna fix it" "like hell you are" again leaving for the door, and again being held back. Clay demands "go fix it then." And like that, he walked away.

I watch carefully as he attempts to open the door only for it to be locked. He stood there just staring for a second. I wanted to yell at him to do something, I hated knowing she was hurting, and that I couldn't do anything to help. I just had to watch this play out; just sit here doing nothing.

Nicks room had a big enough distance from the living room so when George spoke I couldn't hear what he said. He slowly takes a step away from the door only to sit down, leaning against it.

I wasn't sure what to do, I knew it was stupid to go say something to George, I knew it was out of the question to leave. I had to make sure George didn't make it worse and that he did indeed fix it. It took a lot in me to not text her or tell her everything was gonna be ok. There wasn't much to do other then sit here in my thoughts, so that's exactly what is did for around 30-40 minutes.


Nothing happened in those minutes of waiting. My mind ran and ran, concerns never leaving. My thoughts were yelling telling me to go talk to her, to make sure she was ok. I couldn't imagine the thoughts going through her head, but I wanted to do anything I could to help stop all the bad going on.

I wasn't sure what happened before, but the door George was leaning on abruptly opened causing him to fall down. See her face after what felt like hours only made the worries worse. She held an emotionless face. Her eyes were puffy, and when we made brief eye contact you could see the red in them.

She looks around the room at each of us, staring as she goes. Even as I realize how uncomfortable she seemed under our gaze, I didn't look away. I couldn't, I was afraid she'd disappear if I stopped staring. I held my own hand in a way of getting myself to stay put.

She looks down at George with his back on the floor still, muttering something to him. Whatever she said made him sit up and look over at us on the couch. In a quick motion he stands up and nods her way.

My gaze slowly turned to the floor after the door shuts behind them. Before my thought could drift off, Alex speaks up, "what do you think they're talking about?" No one response at first, he took that as he wasn't gonna get an answer especially since we'd all been ignored him for the most part. So when Nick replied, a slightly shocked expression crossed his face. "He better be apologizing, I'm gonna kick his ass if not" it was silent after that, we all just tried to listen to anything going on behind that door.

A few minutes pass when I blurt out, "maybe they're making out." It was a joke mostly, but also just a thought that crossed my mind too much for my liking. Everyone ripped their eyes off the door to face me, Nick being the first to say something. "What, no way. Definitely not" Clay laughs at his response. "Jealous much? Honestly though, I'm not sure George is bold enough to make a girl cry then try to kiss her" thinking back to the game from a few nights ago, I voice my thoughts "I don't know, we all saw how she was during spin the bottle, who to say she isn't the bold one in there." Nick stayed quiet, slightly shaking his head in silent anger.

Everyone went silent again, all wondering what was going on behind those doors. I couldn't help myself as my mind went back to that game. More specifically, the kiss I shared with Y/n. When the dice read 'lips' and 'kiss', I almost cringed at the slap I was about to receive. I closed my eyes in anticipation, waiting for the sting of her hand. Yet instead her hand went in my hair, playing with it a bit. Sillily it made me relax. Suddenly she stops, and for a second I understand why she whined when I didn't the same to her. She pulls slightly, enough to move my head. I feel as she removes one of her hands and places it on my face. Even though it was obvious by then she was gonna give me a kiss, it still shocked me when our lips connected. I didn't respond until she tugs on my hair, probably as a go ahead. So I kissed back. The touch of her lips could make anyone melt, if she hadn't pulled away, I'm not sure I would have ever stopped.

So now with the thought that George was having that same touch, made me rise from my seat on the couch. Once again, all eyes shot to me, all wondering what the hell I'm doing. But they didn't voice there thoughts, in a way too curious to see what I was gonna do.

I wasn't fully sure myself, but as I got to the door we'd all been gawking at, my hand raise before knocking a bit louder then intended. "Hey is everything ok in there" I wait impatiently for a response, "yeah, we'll be out in a minute." It was George who responded, it disappointed me a bit that he was the one responding not her, nonetheless I say back a simple "ok." Then I walk back to my original seat.

The guys watched the small interaction until I sit back down and quickly Clay asks "what happened?" "He said they'll be out in a minute" I sighed. Nick squints his eyes asking "why did you say it like that?" Before I could get another word out, the door unlocks.

And out steps George. He opens the door all the way for Y/n, and as I look her over, I only question more what happened between them. She looked nervous as she stood a good distance from George. Her cheeks were flushed, probably from either crying or embarrassment, I really didn't like either options.

She tuck her hair back while taking a deep breath in, the whole time not looking at anyone. As she crossed her arms and relaxed her shoulders, she looks to George then the rest of us, "So, everyone down for take out?"

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