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⚠️Warning: Smutish ⚠️

Karl's POV

The guys watched the small interaction until I sat back down and quickly Clay asked "what happened?" "He said they'll be out in a minute" I sighed. Nick squints his eyes asking "why did you say it like that?" Before I could get another word out, the door unlocked.

And out steps George. He opens the door all the way for Y/n, and as I look her over, I only question more what happened between them. She looked nervous as she stood a good distance from George. Her cheeks were flushed, probably from either crying or embarrassment, I really didn't like either option.

She tucked her hair back while taking a deep breath in, the whole time not looking at anyone. As she crossed her arms and relaxed her shoulders, she looks to George then the rest of us,

"So, everyone down for take out?"

Y/n's POV

I tried to be as casual as possible even though everyone was staring at me and George. I didn't want them suspecting George and I were doing anything... even though we were. I wasn't sure what to do, so for now, food!

The awkward atmosphere cooled down by the time food was delivered. We all ate our food on the couch watching some random movie Alex picked out. Out of the corner of my eye I could see each of them taking glances my way throughout the movie. I was extremely grateful Alex had good taste in movies since I don't believe I could have sat there with all their eyes on me without a distraction. Yet even with the movie's entertainment, it was hard to ignore George beside me.

Uncontrollably emotions filled me to the brim, the weight of it felt heavy. I was still quite embarrassed from the fear of everyone knowing. I felt anxious that Nick could be mad at me. I felt extremely confused on how I could have feelings for so many people. I was angry at myself for not knowing what to do. And worst of all, I felt so fucking bothered. Sexually.

George rested his hand on the couch cushion, right beside my thigh. I didn't dare look at his hand lying there, only kept my eyes on the TV. Becoming so focused on not taking a peek at his hand, I lose my concentration on the movie. 

With greed, his hand reached out to firmly grasp my inner thigh, pulling outwards enough to expose my clothed yet eager sex. A gasp leaves me as he moves towards me, pulling the leg he just spread to the arm of the couch, dropping it there. Soon taking up the new made space with his upper torso, as he brings his face to my stomach. At this point he looks upwards at me, making eye contact. I lay flat on my back, breathing heavily as my gaze begs for his lips to make contact with skin.

Finally, a soft kiss is placed on my lower belly, close to the spot I begged the most. Yet to my despair, he trailed his lips upwards instead of below. He takes his time, leaving a breath for every kiss as he goes. His previously lying hand moves along my side, leaving the other hand to prop himself up.

With the lack of friction, my body couldn't take his pace any longer. Quickly, my arms move to pause his kissing along my collarbone, instead pulling his mouth directly to mine. Wasting no time, his lips attach perfectly with mine. Desperation pulls us as close as possible, leaving no air to slip. No word could be exchanged, as no thought passed our minds, all we needed was our body's to understand. We entertain the idea of patients with some more sloppy and indulgent acts, not lasting long as his wandering hands pull at the fabric of my shorts. With quick efforts, the material covering my yearning clitoris slides off. After a long waiting, his hand proceeds to-


My head snapped to find the voice, leading me to look at... Karl? He places his large hand on my leg, holding my attention.

Gold rings accessorize three of his fingers, leaving the two middle fingers bare. The mixture of warm fingers and cold rings sent a shiver down my leg. "Are you ok" he asks, loud enough to catch everyone's attention.

Blinking a few times, I come back to reality. Swiftly, I squeeze my thighs closed in hope of riding the ache between. Taking a deep breath I reply, "yeah yeah, of course. I'm just.. bored. Let's do something!" I was in desperate need of a distraction, but against my plea, George suggested " how about spin the bottle again?"

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