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I press decline of Quackitys call, and turn my phone off. They said they'd be standing outside by a silver car.

I make it out the doors, searching around until I spot four guys looking around cluelessly. For a second Karl and I I make eye contact, and he, blushes?!

I look away quickly, digging through my bag for my voice changer. Slowly I make my way to them. They were lined up as Alex then Karl, then sapnap and last I asume to be Dream. Why do I have such attractive friends, I hype them up all the time even Dream who I've never seen before until now.

I look down to make sure I don't make eye contact again. But I could feel eyes on me, four to be exact.

Finally I stop infront of them all. They look at each other then back at me. "Can we help you miss" Sapnap asks politely, adrenaline pumped in cause my confidence to speak out. "Well that not a very nice way to to speak to an old friend" I raise my hand up that had the voice changer in it, pressing the on button, speaking into it "sappynap."

His eyes shot open with much confusion. "What the actual fuck" Quackity spoke. I look at all there shocked faces "surpriiiiiiisse"

"Y/u/n?" Karl questions with a smile. I look at him with a smile "yeah, well my actually names y/n but yeah. It's good to see guys... are you mad?" Karl comforts me the second my smile is replaced with a frown "no no, I think we're all just very.. confused. But happy!"

"Your, a girl" quackity states the obvious "yeP" i pop the P, look over them all again. Dream doesn't say a thing, only gets in the drivers seat. "Shit, he's mad" I spoke my thoughts, sapnap cutting in "I think he's just in shock."

We stand there until Dream rolls down a near by window, "are you guys coming or are we just gonna stay here?" So we pile in, me sitting between Karl and Quackity.

"So.. how was your flights" I ask the two by me. "Fine, I had to sit by a crying baby. I wanted to through it out the window the second it started making goo go sounds, nasty little thing baby's are" I laugh at that, everyone looks to me, cause me to die down my laugh "why you all looking at me?"

No one answered at first, then Dream finally speaks to me "it's just weird to hear you laughing. It sounds very different, it's nice" I blush a bit, I don't really get compliments except as jokes. But he sounded dead serious.

The drive to Dreams and sapnaps was awkward at first but soon it lightened up. "We're here, get out kids" sapnap shouts, "finally, my ass hurt from sitting so long" I utter. This caught everyone's attention, "what, why you all staring at me?"

With no response, we make our way inside, it was a beautiful house. I place my things down by the couch then plop down on the soft cushions. "So, why didn't you tell us" Dream asks, making everyone stop what they were doing and looks to me for answers. "Um, I was going to tell you guy eventually. I never ment to lie. It's just, girl streams get a lot of shit, and I have anger issues so I just played along with being a guy. I never meant for it to go on for so long. Im- I'm sorry."

"Ok" he replies with not a care at all for my excuse. He walks off to who knows where, Sapnap calls out to him "dude, don't be like that." He goes off after him, leaving the three of us in the living room confused on what to do now. "I'm really sorry, I've already ruined this for you all" I put my hands in my hair pulling at it a little.

They both crouch down to my level on the couch. "Hey, you haven't ruined it at all, it's honestly really cool your a girl. It actually makes a lot more sense now." We laugh a little as I thank him "thank you Karl" though it helped, I still felt like shit. My eyes full up with un fallen tears, "hey don't cry, you have no reason to" Quackity assures.

I look between the two before pulling them into a hug. It took them a minute to understand what's happening before hugging back.

After our hug, I get up to go apologize to Dream. In good timing, he opens the door to I believe to be his room. We look at each other before I jump into his arms. He does the same as the others, hesitating before hugging back.

"Are we ok" "yep, it's good to finally meet the real you, y/n" we pull away smiling, I turn to everyone. Silence goes around until quackity speaks up "so what's the sleeping situation? And when it George getting here?"

Sapnap tells us "well there's three beds so we planned to have two people in each bed but now knowing  she's a, well, she. I don't know anymore" I straighten my posture saying "I don't mind sharing a bed with someone."

We agree to figure it out when it's time for bed who's with who. Time goes by when it was time for two of the boys to go pick up George.

Almost an hour later, they make it back. We hear the sound of car doors shutting, making us all get off the couch, first Quackity came in with Dream, then George. The other two boys greet him and hug him. Eventually the attention goes to me, George looks awfully confused "who's this?"

Making my way over, I take the voice changer out of my pocket saying "nice to meet you too George." I wait for his response as everyone else laughs at his face. "Y/u/n" he guesses, I nod and surprisingly to me, he pulls me into a hug "omg, is this the surprise you were talking about?! Wait you all knew?!" Everyone just laughs as I tell the facts "well they only found out today too, don't worry they weren't hiding it from you, I was" still confused and shocked he asks "but why?" I go on to tell him the whole gender difference and blah blah blah.

Since it was night time, we set out the sleeping arrangements. George was going with Dream, Quackity with Karl in the guest room, leaving me to sleep in the same bed as Sapnap.

I wait for Dream to leave his and Sapnaps shared bathroom so I could get changed and brush my teeth. After what felt like forever, he comes out saying "all yours." It smelt nice and clean, I move quickly around getting set for bed. First removing my make up, then changing, lately brushing my teeth. Exiting the bathroom, I run straight in sapnap. He must have changed in his room cause he was already changed.

We stand there for a minute or two staring at each other not saying a word. He looked shocked over something, I look around as he started at my face. Finally he lets me on what he's thinking "make up, I mean. You have no make up on." "Yep, your not really supposed to sleep with it on.." I look him over to look how cute he was in his pjs then notice he had no hat on. I almost forgot what he looked like with no hat on, that reminds me. I slip past him with thrill, "oh quackity~" I say in a song song voice "yeah" he replies. I see him walking out of the guest room with out his beanie. I wide smile makes it way to my face. I get closer to him making him shy, then reached up and messed his hair up. He gives me a 'wyd' look before laughing "I forgot you've never seen me without my beanie." Nodding along to his statement, I grab him by the shoulders even if he was a tad, an inch, taller. "You look so good, I love your hair!" I admire him in awe, "really?" He blushed, I smile as my responses before hugging him good night. It was a nice hug, very comfortable. Before we part ways he makes one more remark "oh, can you call me Alex when we're not streaming?" I replied with a simple "yes" and leave.

Making my way over to sapnaps room, he was already back from the bathroom. "Hey, you ready for bed" he asks, nodding, we settle in. A little awkward at first until I started telling him random things that were on my mind. We talk back and forth until finally going to bed.

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