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I found a way to cure myself of my damaged heart by helping others. It's hard, but the reality is hard to face to go to school, but I'm here to learn, but the learning is nothing; it's just a time consumer that makes me feel painful to be in here. I was struggling with my anxiety.

I still don't have an escape from the deep hole I am in. I feel my organs move around, and I'm just sick and tired. My head hurts a lot. I barely forced myself to wake up to feel that I'm useful for others. I made my mom's breakfast, an avocado sandwich, to facilitate her and make me feel productive.

But I'm a mess. I don't have clarity on why I think my thoughts are illnesses. Someone who reads my mind is going to be crushed by the toxicity that I'm feeling. I want to be where my thoughts can get the attention they deserve. The only thing I aspire to is to heal internally. I don't think I'm enough for this world, and I'm sorry.

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