After responding to Damon's texts and reassuring him I was ok on a lengthy call that he finally let me end when he heard noises somewhere in the house. I stepped out of my room to find a snack. I heard Nik leave a hour ago so I knew he wasn't here, but when I left my room I saw a load of cupcakes on a baking tray on the kitchen island with a note attached saying- I'm sorry- and an angel drawing at the end. I smiled to myself looking at the cupcakes, they were red velvet with white frosting decorating the little cakes and a few angel placements sticking out of the cupcakes.


The next day I was feeling much less angry and I woke up in a great mood. Surprisingly Nik was still home along with another man I didn't recognise. He was at the mini kitchen getting ready to take a tray of food which he immediately stopped when he saw me

"I'm guessing u managed to make a hybrid" i say gesturing to the unnamed man

"Yes I did" He paused for a second "does this mean I'm allowed to talk to you again? Your not angry at me anymore?"

I simply nod my head and walk over to the counter where the food is

"So where are you gonna go now?" I ask

"Nowhere. I haven't finished turning everyone here yet"


Right now I'm currently driving back to mystic falls in a car with a compelled chauffeur. I got a call from Jeremy crying asking me to come back. Jeremy and I have always been close when we were little I used to help him with homework and break the arms of anyone who had upset him. When I moved Jeremy started limiting texting, I tried to stay in touch questioner him on why he wasn't doing the same to which he confessed that he felt like a burden to me and didn't want to bother me and prevent me from living my new life.

I tried explaining to him multiple times that he was not a burden and that I liked hearing from him but I don't think he really listened because we had stopped talking. When I came back this time, it was a bit hard to check up on him with everything going on and me getting kidnapped several times but I'm glad he knows he can still call me if something's wrong. I don't exactly know what something is seeing as when he called me he immediately broke down crying, no words just sobs. I had to argue with Nik to let me come back and by argue I mean I wrapped my arms and legs around a pole and elbowed any of his minions that tried to pull me off.

When I got back to mystic falls the first place I went was the woods. Inside the woods there was an old treehouse that me and Jeremy used to play in. We called it our safe space for when we wanted to be away from everyone or we only wanted the other to be the one to find us. I heard Jeremy before I saw him. I heard the tiny sniffles and when I went up the treehouse I saw Jeremy in a little corner with his knees pressed to his chest and his head buried in between.

I didn't bother trying to speak to him, I already know he's not going to be able to talk. The one thing I love about Jeremy is that I always know what to do with him. When we were younger he would tell me what he wanted when he was sad which now made it easier to respond to this amount of tears. I sat next to Jeremy and wrapped my arms around him stroking his hair and whispering that I was here and everything is gonna be fine. He immediately broke down even more his sobs becoming more audible and his head moving to burry itself in my neck.

He clutched the bottom of my top and held it tightly as if I would disappear if he let go. We stayed like that for quite a while until I felt he had calmed down enough to talk. I kept him in the same position but I bent my head down a little so he could hear me.

"Jeremy what's wrong?" I whispered

"I- I don't want to be here. E-Elena's never home and Jenna's always cuddled up with Ric. And-and I hate it here. I'm all by myself, I can't even ask for help cause everyone's so busy with everything else" he sobs

"I m-miss the way everything was before. B-before you left. I-I liked it b-better then" he continues to sob on my shoulder as he cries and clutches my shirt even harder.

"Jeremy, why didn't you tell me you were having a hard time?" I whisper softly

"I-I didn't want to bother you"

"You're not bothering me. Look I'm legally 18 so you can stay with me, ok?"

"Forever?"he asks

"Forever" I giggle

"First of all we need to get your stuff packed and then we'll move you in-"we make our way down from the treehouse and Jeremy's grip has switched from my shirt to my hand

"Osa and Davina live there and you've met Osa right?" I ask

"Yh she's in my maths class. She's always coming in late and then trying to explain to Miss Smindle why she's not actually late" I see a small smile on Jeremy's face which makes me happy as well

"I have to warn you. Nik compelled me a chauffeur so he will be driving us"


"Klaus" a look of realisation floods his face and he gives a simple nod

When we get to Jeremy's house nobody is there, I help him pack a few things that he'll need and I tell him to leave everything I already have at home here like his video games. When we moved into the house I had started renovating the spare rooms. I turned one into a screening room and another into a gaming room. I'm in the process of installing a pool as we speak. I refuse to do it outside cause I think it might be a lot more difficult to actually clean it afterwards. I've modified a lot of other rooms to but there are so many that I'd rather have people just use the map. There are 3 floors apart from the bottom one, which Jeremy will have to get used to, at some point Davina complained about the trek she would have to take just to get to her room so I had an elevator installed. I guess I forgot that I live with humans, werewolves have much more stamina so the walk wasn't bad.

The house worked really simply the bottom floor was where all the basic things were e.g kitchens, living room, playroom, bathroom and of course a garden which I worked really hard on. The next floor was filled with luxuries e.g gaming room, sauna, swimming room, art room and screening room. The next floor up is where all the bedrooms are plus an indoor gym (Elijah's adjustment not mine). The final floor was my favourite. It had a library, a room full of trampolines, a boxing room ( for when there's an argument and both parties want to throw hands) and last but not least a Terrance. Instead of creating another room I decided to have a door leading to the roof where I had put up tiny glass wall to block of the edge of the roof. It had cute loveseats, a table and a kitchen off to the side.

When we drove back to the house I had to explain all of these to Jeremy but in even less detail seeing as he kept running into every room he saw. He looked like he was about to cry of joy when he saw the gaming room, and he looked like he was about to faint when he saw his room. I was happy to see him so happy after his little breakdown before and it was nice to know he liked the house so he wouldn't have a probably with living here. I swear I saw him fly for a second when he realised he could take a mattress and slide down all those stairs.


Unfortunately during this time I had gotten a call from Damon, apparently the whole deal still stands meaning I have to be at the Salvatore house instead of my own. Jeremy was a bit upset by this but ultimately forgot when he realised there was a room for him to draw in. I hung out with Jeremy doing all the games he wanted until Osa and Davina came home. I explained the situation and Osa was more than happy to have someone her actual age to be living with. They put on the electric boxing gloves and started playing while I went to make food and Davina went to raid my room.

Eventually Jeremy came looking for me and we talked for a while

"I'm sorry I wasn't there to help you before" I said

"You're helping me now" he smiled

I made sure he ate before he went to bed and then I left for the Salvatore's. This was not how I imagined spending my day but I'm not exactly complaining. At least I can sleep knowing Jeremy is safe and happy.

2341 words

If there are any mistakes please feel free to mention it in the comments. I like feedback

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