Chapter 59

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This is the first time He Xiaoyun has used the word love to describe her relationship with Wei Jianwei.

She doesn't know how other people fall in love, but according to her experience in watching films and television dramas, and novels, two people's relationship is nothing more than the stages of ambiguity, confession, association, and marriage, and she and Wei Jianwei started at the end.

So they never talked about words like love.

He Xiaoyun rested her head on Wei Jianwei's shoulder and let him carry her around the house in his arms. This sense of peace of mind, she thinks, should be love.

Probably because of He Xiaoyun's dependent behavior, Wei Jianwei asked with a smile, "I only found out that you really like me today?"

He Xiaoyun nodded inadvertently, and as she moved her head, she abruptly recovered, abruptly stopped her movements, raised her eyes to look at him, and purposefully said: "Who likes you? I found out that you're particularly stinky today."

Even if his words are true, she can't admit it because otherwise, this man will boast to the heavens.

Besides, he never said he loved her, so she shouldn't say it first.

Wei Jianwei lowered his head to block her mouth, knowing she had always had a dishonest mouth and didn't say much.


Probably affected by the mood during the day, Xiaoyun had a dream that night.

In her previous life, she hadn't managed to get away from the mountain. Her parents duped her and sold her to a fool. She was apprehended after fleeing several times. Later, the fool's family chained her up in her room. She can only sit by the window every day and gaze out.

Wei Jianwei appeared outside her window one day, still dressed in his military uniform, with sunlight on his body, tall and handsome, his eyes were not fixed on her, and he walked past her window without squinting.

He Xiaoyun called for him loudly, but he didn't seem to hear it, and as he walked farther and farther, it didn't take long for him to disappear.

Tears gushed from her dry eye sockets. After being locked for so long, she had never cried. At this time, she seemed to have suffered a great grievance, crying like a child.


Wei Jianwei woke up and saw Xiaoyun's closed eyes with tears oozing from the corners of her eyes.

He awakened the person softly.

After He Xiaoyun opened her eyes, she felt a loss of strength. Wei Jianwei's shoulders were dripping wet from her tears. She was stunned for a few seconds before she distinguished the dream from reality.

"What did you dream about?" Wei Jianwei wiped the tears off her face, and the calluses on his hands rubbed her skin. It was slightly rough, but it made her feel at ease.

He Xiaoyun buried her face in his arms and waited for a while before she told him about her dream just now.

She felt wronged and unhappy in the dream. She now wakes up and describes it all over again. She notices many absurd and illogical things as she speaks. So when it comes to the part where Wei Jianwei left, she stops speaking.

For such a big person like her, still dreaming and crying with tears on her face, Xiaoyun feels that her face is almost impossible to save, and she will definitely be teased.

Sure enough, Wei Jianwei touched the sheets, "Let me see if you wet the bed."

In Qingshuihe, if someone said that they had a nightmare, someone would immediately make fun of them and ask them to feel whether their underwear was wet. It was a joke, saying that they would wet the bed when having nightmares.

He Xiaoyun pressed his hand and said, "You're the one who wet the bed! It's my tears!"

Wei Jianwei chuckled and didn't refute. He only patted her on the back lightly. After He Xiaoyun was completely free from the emotions in the dream, he said: "I will save you, so don't cry."

After a while, He Xiaoyun hummed in a low voice. She knew very well that if the person in her dream was really Wei Jianwei, even if the two didn't know each other, he wouldn't watch her fall into such a desperate situation. He would definitely save her.

When she woke up the next day, He Xiaoyun was still a little clingy.

Since she started to go to university, Wei Jianwei has done a lot of work in the camp. The two of them are busy with their own affairs. They haven't been tired for a while. Today happened to be another weekend. After getting up, the two of them cooked together, organized housework together, and sat there. While reading a book, He Xiaoyun even leaned half of her body in Wei Jianwei's arms.

Wei Yuanhang looked at them again and went to the next door to find a friend in silence.

At noon, Xu Lanxiang asked her daughter to give He Xiaoyun something. After the little girl went back, she said to Wei Yuanhang, "You will have younger brothers and sisters soon."

Wei Yuanhang looked confused, "Why?"

Wang Lili shook her head triumphantly, "There's no reason, I just know." (The girl knows what's up~)

She(WL) has experience in this kind of thing because it was the same with her mom and dad.

"Where did your younger brother and sister come from?" Wei Yuanhang asked again.

Although he had seen his auntie giving birth to a little sister, he was only three years old at that time, and his memory had long been cleared, and he had forgotten the appearance of his auntie with a big belly.

For every child, thinking about where they come from is a serious and necessary question. (For real.)

Of course, Wang Lili also once asked her parents, so she knew the answer, so she proudly said, "I grew out from my mother's armpit, and Rongrong came out of her belly button. Mom said, only good children are born to her. Yes, those who are not well-behaved are picked up in the trash can!"

This is too scary! How smelly the kid picked up in the trash can is!

Wei Yuanhang drew his neck in fear, and immediately said, "I was born from my mother too!"

"Then you have to ask your mother first! Maybe you were sent to them by a bird." (Think of the stork movie.)

"You're talking nonsense!" Wei Yuanhang became tearful, "I wasn't sent to them with a little bird!"

Wang Lili stuck her tongue out, "I didn't say any nonsense, the adults did say that."

She flicked her ponytail and left (sassy). Wei Yuanhang said she(WL) was wrong so she couldn't help but feel wronged the more she thought about it, she wiped her two tears and ran home to find comfort.

He Xiaoyun and Wei Jianwei maintained their previous postures, and the little kid came running in, burying his head in his mother's arms.

"What's the matter?" He Xiaoyun straightened up and touched the back of his head.

Wei Yuanhang nuzzled in her arms, and after a while, he dully said: "Mom, would I have younger siblings?"

He Xiaoyun froze for a moment, then turned to look at Wei Jianwei, wondering if he had said something to the child.

Wei Jianwei was very innocent. He took the little kid out of her arms and let him stand in front of him, "Who told you that? There are no younger siblings."

He discussed this issue with He Xiaoyun before. The elders in the family wanted them to have another child, after all, it's not that they can't afford it. It's really rare to have only one child these years, but the two of them have the same idea. They don't plan to have any more children.

He Xiaoyun is now in university. After four years of study, she has to take part in work. Even if she birthed another child, she doesn't have the energy to raise them.

Wei Yuanhang stood in front of his parents while fiddling his fingers to confirm: "No siblings?"

"No." He Xiaoyun squeezed his face, "Where did you hear this? You suddenly came back crying."

Wei Yuanhang grinned and thought of another question: "Where did I come from? Was I born from my mother's armpit?" (No, child. No.)

"Cough! Cough cough cough..." Wei Jianwei was drinking water and almost died away from his son's silly words. He choked so hard that he couldn't speak, the man was rarely embarrassed like this.

He Xiaoyun helped him pat his back, and couldn't stop laughing, "Who, who said that? Hahahaha..."

The two adults didn't look like adults today, but the little kid still looked serious and asked cautiously, "Did I come out from your belly button?"

He Xiaoyun smiled so wide that her cheeks hurt, "Do you think my belly button is the size of an elephant?"

Wei Yuanhang was not born from his mother's armpit or belly button. Is it really like Wang Lili said? He was not born to his mother?

Wei Yuanhang, who was six years old, was frightened by this conjecture. His eyes were again tearful, and he cried, "Then, am I picked up from the trash can?"

Is the trash can his mother now? (Lol)

"How can that be?" He Xiaoyun rubbed his stomach and smiled as she teased him, "We don't have trash cans in our hometown. You floated down from the upper reaches of the Qingshui River. I happened to be washing clothes by the river. I took you home when I saw you"

"Woo..." Wei Yuanhang choked.

Wei Jianwei finally calmed down and criticized He Xiaoyun: "Why did you tell the truth to the child? What if he goes to find his biological parents?"

"Wooooooo!" The little kid burst into tears, crying so loudly.

Xiaoyun smiled straight at Wei Jianwei, this guy is worse than her.

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