Chapter 38: Peck

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Because she wanted to invite Wei Jianwei's comrades-in-arms to dinner, He Xiaoyun mentioned it to him at the dinner table the next day.

"Everything that we must settle here is settled. I want to invite your comrades and their family to a meal so that we can get to know each other. So that if I met someone on the road, I would be able to say hello back."Wei Jianwei frowned.

If it was just his comrades, he would have said no, but He Xiaoyun also mentioned their family members.

Thinking that she would have to deal with the women in the family area in the future, Wei Jianwei thought that it's fine.

If something ever happens in the future, she can ask her neighbors for help. Wei Jianwei relented and agreed,

"Then, we can invite them to eat in a restaurant."He Xiaoyun smiled,

"Since they're your comrades-in-arms, it's much sincere to invite them in our house."

"You will be busy alone." Wei Jianwei didn't want her to work hard in cooking for others.

"Don't underestimate me." He Xiaoyun arrogantly raised her chin, "When our whole family was busy with farming, I have cooked for six or seven people alone. Besides, sister Xu will definitely help me when the time comes."

Wei Jianwei was reluctant, he suggested, "Should I go to a restaurant to bring back some dishes ?"

"Why not just listen to me?" He Xiaoyun joked, "I want your comrades-in-arms to taste my cooking skills, at that time, people will surely envy you."

He Xiaoyun had said that but Wei Jianwei didn't want others to taste her cooking. Seeing her insistence, Jianwei nodded in defeat, "You don't need to cook too much."

"I didn't know that you're such a petty man." He Xiaoyun thought it was funny.After making an agreement with Wei Jianwei, Xiaoyun went to talk with Xu Lanxiang. After all, Wei Jianwei only knew about his comrades but Xu Lanxiang knew better about the family situations of these comrades' family members.


Knowing Xiaoyun's intentions, Xu Lanxiang happily explained, "Old Wei is the same as my Old Wang. Old Lin's family didn't join the army, and Lao Zhao's and Lao Zhang's family lives upstairs. You've been only here for two days so I haven't had the chance to let all of you meet.

As for the others, they're not in the same area. I usually meet them but I only say hello with a smile. There's no need to invite them to dinner."

He Xiaoyun didn't expect that this small family building would also be divided into different places.
Xu Lanxiang continued, "As for the children, I have three here. Lao Zhao has one, Lao Zhang has two, plus Xiaoyuan, there are eight. Although the baby wouldn't be included in the dinner, your house will definitely be noisy. You'll need to be mentally prepared."

He Xiaoyun nodded and after inquiring from Xu Lanxiang, she began to think of a recipe.


Wei Jianwei and the others will be free until the day after tomorrow and there are still two days to go, but He Xiaoyun paid this matter considerable attention, not only for the sake of her communication with the others, but it's also not to lose Wei Jianwei's face

He Xiaoyun was sitting at the table, thinking about the recipes she would present. Wei Yuanhang and Wang Derong were playing with building blocks next to her. Last night, Xiaoyun told the little kid that Rongrong can be invited home rather than going to the next house. After eating breakfast, the kid immediately invited his friend over.

Thinking of last night, He Xiaoyun remembered another thing that made her fluster. Her hand subconsciously touched her ear, there seemed to be scorching heat in that area.He Xiaoyun swears that when Wei Jianwei kissed her ear, she heard a soft sound, and his warm breathe sprayed on her ear.

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