Chapter 40: Hug

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Soon, Huang Lizhen and Li Xijin's husbands also came with a few children.

Xu Lanxiang asked for them to place the children at her house. Since there were already four children in her family, a group of little monkeys playing around there wouldn't matter.

Only Huang Lizhen's one-year-old daughter, who was still a baby, was held in the arms of Lao Zhang.

The women were busy in the kitchen, and the men weren't spared. They were forced to move the stove and water for a while. Because Wei Jianwei didn't have enough chairs at his house, old Wang went to his and moved a few more.

Lin Yuefei, who lived alone came last and brought a bottle of wine with him.

When Xu Lanxiang saw it, she joked, "Lao Lin is the best man, unlike my Lao Wang and the others, who came here with nothing."

Though Lin Yuefei was praised, he didn't dare to offend several comrades-in-arms at once, and hurriedly said, "I will drink this by myself."

Lin Yuefei jokingly laughed, handed the wine to He Xiaoyun's hands, and quickly moved away from the women's group, fearing that they would say a few more words to him, the men glaring over there would ask him to 'learn with them' if he didn't.

When the dishes were ready, it's already noon. The adults first call the children next door to feed them, and then it was the adults' turn to eat.

Wei Jianwei and He Xiaoyun, the two hosts, toasted everyone with the former using wine and the latter drinking tea.

"This scene is a bit like the happy day when Old Wei married his wife." Lin Yuefei joked.

"It happened that we were all absent when you got married. This glass of wine is made up. Come and drink, everyone."

Xiaoyun's face reddened, she put down the cup and glanced at Wei Jianwei, and said, "I don't know what to talk about in this scene. From now on, everyone will be neighbors. As they said, distant relatives aren't as good as the neighbors. I have to ask brothers and sisters to take care of me."

Xu Lanxiang smiled, "You don't know what to say? Isn't this a good greeting?"

"Don't be polite, call them Lao Zhang and Lao Zhao. You and Jianwei are so beautiful." Huang Lizhen covered her mouth and smiled.

Xu Lanxiang said to her: "Aiyah. Young couples that have been married for a few years have been together divorced a lot. Now, it's not wrong to say that they are newlyweds. All of us are old husbands and old wives."

What Xu Lanxiang said was to help He Xiaoyun on the surface, but in fact, she was still teasing her.

Huang Lizhen hurriedly responded: "Yes, sister Xu is right."

As soon as the two sang a tune, the people on the table laughed, and He Xiaoyun blushed with embarrassment.

"All right, let's continue eating, or else Xiaoyun is going to bury her face in her bowl." Li Xijin said.

"Now, you've become a good person? Aren't you the one who vigorously tease someone just now?" Huang Lizhen turned to her, "Is it because your old Zhao is working under Lao Wei's, and you're afraid that Lao Wei will embarrass him. Do you feel distressed?"

Li Xiji lightly patted her, "You're crazy, am I crazy like you?"

The women joked and laughed while eating, and the men ate and drank.

Lin Yuefei looked left and right, everyone was in pairs, but he was alone. He couldn't help thinking about his wife.

After a while, He Xiaoyun and the women got up and went to the room to talk, leaving the men to continue drinking.

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