Chapter 22: See Him

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In the morning, when He Xiaoyun woke up, Wei Jianwei was no longer in the house as usual. She got up and washed, changed her clothes, and woke up the child. Wei Yuanhang rubbed his eyes in a daze, "Mom, are we going to grandma's house today?"

"Yes, get up so you can change to your new clothes."

The child rubbed his eyes a few times, "Where is Dad?"

He Xiaoyun took off his sleeping clothes and put the new clothes on him, "Daddy has gotten up a long time ago, you're the only one left."

Wei Yuanhang had his own explanation, "I am a child, when I become an adult, I will get up very early too."

"I didn't scold you though?" He Xiaoyun felt funny.

The child shook his head, "I'm telling Mom my thoughts."

"Then you're thinking too much." The child couldn't understand her ridicule and thought she was complimenting him, so he was very happy. As the child was talking, Wei Jianwei came in from the outside, they didn't know what he was doing but he's sweating all over his body.

"Ah, father sweats a lot." Wei Yuanhang said in surprise. He Xiaoyun glanced back and joked: "Did you go to the river to fish?"

"No. I had run two laps." Wei Jianwei said. He Xiaoyun was stunned, this man was really energetic.He was able to help repair the canal yesterday. Taking off his jacket, Wei Jianwei went to his baggage to pick up clean clothes.

He Xiaoyun tidied up the child and when she turned around, she saw his naked upper body, she turned her eyes away uncomfortably. To be honest, she hasn't seen him like this before. It was different from the feeling of seeing models flashing their muscles on t.v. Because the man was right before her eyes.

The man found his clothes but still didn't wear it nor go out. He still walked around the room and He Xiaoyun didn't know what he is looking for. As Wei Jianwei kept walking around, He Xiaoyun didn't know where to look and had taken a few glances at his body.

He Xiaoyun secretly whispered in her heart that the man wasn't leaving at all! A sudden thought then appeared in He Xioayun's mind, 'Is this man teasing me again?'

According to what he has done in the past, this possibility is really big. The more she hid, the more the man flaunted. In this case, she couldn't back down in this man's teasing. So He Xiaoyun stared straight at Wei Jianwei.

'Amitabha. I shall empty my thoughts and conceal my emotions.' (He Xiaoyun's chants.)

Wei Jianwei finally found what he was looking for, and as soon as he looked up, he met He Xiaoyun's gaze. He Xiaoyun stood tall, holding on to the will of looking at him. It's not her who is showing their body, what is she afraid of, right?

The two of them didn't speak until Wei Jianwei slowly raised his hand and dropped it on the waist of his trousers.

"Hey, you-" He Xiaoyun stood up immediately. She will definitely hit him if he dares to take off his pants! However, the other party just lifted the waistband of his trousers and asked her: "What?"

He Xiaoyun threw what was on her hand to the man, feeling defeated.

"My little pillow!" Wei Yuanhang was wronged.

Wei Jianwei caught it with one hand, took a few steps forward and delivered it to his son, and then asked He Xiaoyun: "Are you saying something to me?"

I had never seen such a brazen man! He Xiaoyun slapped him on his chest and said, "Go away, you stinking shameless man!"

After what she had done, He Xiaoyun felt her palms had gotten hot. Wei Jianwei did not get angry at all, his lips even twitched upwards as he went out.

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